Adhera Therapeutics, Inc. announced that it is planning to initiate a Phase 2 clinical trial of MLR-1023 as anew treatment for Type 1 Diabetes where its role in pancreatic beta cell protection and proliferation represents a potential major breakthrough in diabetes care. MLR-1023 is a next generation, non-PPAR insulin sensitizer via lyn kinase activation that has demonstrated exceptional clinical safety and tolerability in over 700 patients in Phase 2a and 2b diabetes studies. The active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) for this trial has already been manufactured.

The Company is also actively working to initiate a Phase 2a study to evaluate MLR-1019 for Parkinson's Disease. To the best of the Company's knowledge, MLR-1019 is the only drug in development that has the potential to address both movement and non-movement aspects of the disease. The trial is designed to enroll Parkinson's Disease patients with L-DOPA induced dyskinesia, a frequent and potential disabling motor side effect of levodopa therapy.

The API for this trial has now entered the manufacturing process.