Regulatory News:

  • 2010 consolidated revenue:
    • Fourth quarter €9.6 billion +14.8%
    • Annual €34.8 billion +9.0%
  • Order book at 31 December 2010: €27.3 billion +14%
  • VINCI Autoroutes:
    • 2010 revenue €4.3 billion +4.0%
    • Traffic on a stable network +2.0%

VINCI (Paris:DG) achieved a sound performance in 2010.

Motorway concessions confirmed their upward trend with growth of traffic greater than that of the economy. There was also an improvement in contracting's business lines.

The consolidation of Cegelec and Faceo has given a new dimension to Energies, which now accounts for almost 25% of the Group's business. It includes VINCI Facilities, a new division operating in the buoyant facilities management market.

Over recent years, VINCI has increased its international presence and strengthened its technological expertise in contracting through a strategy of targeted acquisitions. Examples include Soletanche Bachy in foundation technologies, Entrepose Contracting in the oil and gas sector, Nuvia in nuclear services, ETF in rail works and Tarmac in quarries.

The synergies between the Group's concessions and contracting businesses have led to significant infrastructure successes: the high-speed rail line between Tours and Bordeaux, Notre Dame des Landes airport in Nantes, GSM-Rail, the Olympic Stadium in Nice and the first section of the Moscow–St. Petersburg motorway.

With an order book standing at €27.3 billion*, up almost 14% over the year (+3% excluding external growth), VINCI is heading into 2011 with confidence.

The drivers for medium-term growth in the Group's major markets, both in Europe and the rest of the world, remain intact: urbanisation, mobility, energy needs and environmental challenges.


VINCI's fourth quarter 2010 consolidated revenue amounted to €9.6 billion, up 14.8% against the fourth quarter 2009. This growth reflects the positive impact of acquisitions made in 2010 (Cegelec and Faceo by Energies; Tarmac by Eurovia), which represented additional revenue of about €1 billion for the quarter.

On a comparable structure basis, revenue rose 1.8% over the quarter, thanks to organic growth in both concessions (+3.7%) and contracting (+0.9%). This sound performance was achieved despite fuel shortages in France in October and then by the difficult weather conditions in Europe, that particularly affected VINCI Autoroutes and Eurovia. In France, business on a comparable structure basis increased 2.7%, while remaining stable (+0.3%) elsewhere.

VINCI's consolidated annual revenue amounted to €34.8 billion, up 9% on the 2009 figure. It benefitted from the positive effects of external growth (+7.9%) and exchange rate fluctuations (+1.3%). Business remained virtually unchanged (-0.2%) on a comparable structure basis.

Concessions revenue rose 4.6% (+3.8% on a comparable structure basis) to €5.1 billion, due mainly to VINCI Autoroutes (+4.0%).

Revenue generated by the contracting business lines (Energies, Eurovia, Construction) was driven by external growth and increased 9.6% to €29.5 billion. On a comparable structure basis, business was slightly off (-1.1%) compared with 2009.

In France, revenue was €21.0 billion, up 6.9% (-0.3% on a constant consolidation scope basis). Concessions' revenue rose 4.0%, while that of contracting rose 6.9%.

Outside France, revenue amounted to €13.8 billion, up 12.3% (-0.2% on a constant consolidation scope and exchange rate basis). Revenue generated outside France now accounts for 40% of total revenue (46% in the contracting business lines).

Revenue by business line

CONCESSIONS: €5,122 million (+4.6% actual; +3.8% on a comparable structure basis)

VINCI Autoroutes: fourth quarter 2010 stable network traffic rose 1.5% (light vehicles: +1.1%; heavy vehicles: +4.0%). It was affected by public sector strikes in France and the ensuing fuel shortages in October, and then by heavy snow episodes on part of the network in December. Despite this, revenue for the quarter increased 3.0% overall.

2010 annual revenue amounted to €4,259 million, up 4.0%. Stable network traffic increased 2.0% (light vehicles: +1.8%; heavy vehicles: +3.2%). In addition, there was the positive impact (+0.4%) of the full-year operation of new sections opened in mid-2009, the A19 motorway (Arcour) and the first section of the A86 Duplex (Cofiroute), and toll price effects. Overall, growth in toll revenue in 2010, in line with the Group's forecasts, was 4.1%.

VINCI Park: revenue amounted to €660 million, up 5.9% (+2.8% on a comparable structure basis). In France, business grew slightly (+0.8%); outside France, the 16.1% growth was due principally to the expansion of business in North America.

CONTRACTING: €29,479 million (+9.6% actual; -1.1% on a comparable structure basis)

Energies: €7,108 million (+46.0% actual; -0.4% on a comparable structure basis)

In France, the return to growth continued in the fourth quarter 2010 (+1.2% on a constant consolidation scope basis). Over the whole year, revenue increased 43% on an actual basis to €4,442 million (of which Cegelec €1,161 million and Faceo €142 million). Revenue was up slightly (+0.6%) on a comparable scope basis. Activities related to energy infrastructure (production and transmission) and telecommunications (business communications, in particular) performed well, as did facilities management activities. The industry sector grew slightly thanks to a good fourth quarter, and the service sector market contraction slowed down.

Outside France, there was further growth in business (+3.8% on a constant consolidation scope and exchange rate basis) in the fourth quarter. Revenue for the year amounted to €2,666 million (of which Cegelec €860 million and Faceo €58 million), up 52% on an actual basis but slightly down (-2.1%) on a comparable structure basis.

Energies' order book at 31 December 2010 stood at €6.3 billion (of which Cegelec €1.8 billion and Faceo €0.8 billion). With 108% growth over the 12-month period (+24% excluding Cegelec and Faceo), it represented more than nine months of average business activity for energy subsidiaries.

Eurovia: €8,096 million (+1.2% actual; -1.6% on a comparable structure basis)

In France, the previously mentioned bad weather conditions and fuel shortages had an adverse impact on business activity in the fourth quarter (-6.6% on a comparable structure basis). Over the full year, however, business held up well, with 2010 revenue only slightly down (-0.4%) to €4,621 million (-0.6% on a comparable structure basis).

Outside France, 2010 revenue amounted to €3,475 million, up 3.3% on an actual basis (-2.8% on a constant consolidation scope and exchange rate basis). The ramp-up of the R1 expressway project in Slovakia and strong growth in Poland partially offset the decline in business recorded in the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States.

Eurovia's order book at 31 December 2010 was €5.3 billion, down 10% since the beginning of the year. The decline is attributable to the completion of major projects won in 2009 (Slovakia, Germany), as well as to austerity measures implemented by some clients around Europe. The order book represented approximately eight months of average business activity for Eurovia subsidiaries.

Construction: €14,274 million (+1.8% actual; -1.1% on a comparable structure basis)

In France, the pace of the upturn that started in the third quarter accelerated during the fourth quarter, with 7.2% growth on a comparable structure basis. For the full year, revenue amounted to €6,894 million, down 3.9% on an actual basis (-4.3% on a constant consolidation scope basis). The good performances achieved in public buildings (health care, sport, etc.) and the residential sector (social housing in particular) attenuated the impact of the decline in the private non-residential and public works sectors.

Outside France, business remained steady during the fourth quarter (+1.5% on a comparable structure basis). Annual revenue was €7,380 million, up 7.8% (+2.2% on a constant consolidation scope and exchange rate basis). The Group's specialist civil engineering subsidiaries – Entrepose Contracting (oil and gas industry works), DEME (dredging and maritime works) and Soletanche-Freyssinet – and Sogea Satom in Africa performed very well. However, business declined in the United Kingdom and Central Europe.

VINCI Construction's order book stood at €15.7 billion at 31 December 2010, up more than 4% for the year and representing over 13 months of average business activity. About two-thirds of the order book will be executed in 2011.

APPENDIX 1: Consolidated revenue at 31 December 2010

Provisional figures pre-application of IAS 31 ?Interests in Joint Ventures?

Note: following the acquisition of Cegelec and the consolidation of Faceo, VINCI decided to group together most of its facilities management assets in a new division, VINCI Facilities, which reports under Energies. These assets had previously been part of both Construction and Energies. To facilitate year-on-year comparison, the 2009 data has been restated in line with the new organisational structure.

Annual consolidated revenue at 31 December

(€ in millions)   Total   Change
  2009   2010 Actual   Comparable
VINCI Autoroutes 4,095.0 4,258.7 +4.0% +4.0%
VINCI Park & other concessions 803.5 863.7 +7.5% +3.0%
S/T Concessions 4,898.5 5,122.4 +4.6% +3.8%
Energies 4,868.7 7,108.2 +46.0% (0.4%)
Eurovia 8,002.9 8,096.2 +1.2% (1.6%)
Construction 14,019.5 14,274.1 +1.8% (1.1%)
S/T Contracting 26,891.1 29,478.5 +9.6% (1.1%)
VINCI Immobilier 559.3 603.5 +7.9% +7.9%
Intragroup eliminations (421.2) (411.5)    
Total excluding concession subsidiaries' construction revenue (IFRIC 12) 31,927.6 34,792.9 +9.0% (0.2%)

Revenue by geographical area

(€ in millions)   Total   Change
2009   2010 Actual   Comparable
Concessions 4,582.4 4,765.2 +4.0% +3.7%
Energies 3,113.6 4,442.2 +42.7% +0.6%
Eurovia 4,639.4 4,620.7 (0.4%) (0.6%)
Construction 7,174.2 6,893.9 (3.9%) (4.3%)
Contracting 14,927.2 15,956.8 +6.9% (2.1%)
Eliminations and miscellaneous 111.8 250.7    
Total France 19,621.4 20,972.7 +6.9% (0.3%)
Concessions 316.1 357.2 +13.0% +6.0%
Energies 1,755.0 2,666.0 +51.9% (2.1%)
Eurovia 3,363.5 3,475.6 +3.3% (2.8%)
Construction 6,845.3 7,380.2 +7.8% +2.2%
Contracting 11,963.9 13,521.8 +13.0% +0.2%
Eliminations and miscellaneous 26.2 (58.8)    
Total International 12,306.2 13,820.2 +12.3% (0.2%)

Fourth quarter consolidated revenue

(€ in millions)   4th quarter   Change
2009   2010 Actual   Comparable
VINCI Autoroutes 936.5 964.1 +3.0% +2.9%
VINCI Park & other concessions 202.3 230.4 +13.9% +7.4%
S/T Concessions 1,138.8 1,194.5 +4.9% +3.7%
Energies 1,305.6 2,272.3 +74.0% +2.2%
Eurovia 2,166.8 2,140.0 (1.2%) (5.3%)
Construction 3,577.0 3,848.1 +7.6% +4.3%
S/T Contracting 7,049.5 8,260.5 +17.2% +0.9%
VINCI Immobilier 204.3 241.4 +18.2% +18.2%
Intragroup eliminations (43.1) (115.3)    
Total excluding concession subsidiaries' construction revenue (IFRIC 12) 8,349.5 9,581.1 +14.8% +1.8%
of which:

- France

5,028.2 5,755.2 +14.5% +2.7%
- International 3,321.3 3,825.8 +15.2% +0.3%

Order book of contracting's business lines (Energies, Eurovia, Construction)

(€ in billions)

    31-12-2009   31-12-2010   Change
Energies 3.0 6.3 +108%
Eurovia 5.9 5.3 (10%)
Construction 15.1 15.7 +4%
Total contracting 24.0 27.3+14%
of which:

- France




- International 13.1 13.9 +6%

Change in VINCI Autoroutes' revenue in 2010

    ASF   Escota   Cofiroute   Arcour   VINCI Autoroutes
Light vehicles 1.9% 1.4% 1.7% - 1.8%
Heavy vehicles 2.9% 5.2% 3.3% - 3.2%
Traffic (stable network) 2.0% 1.8% 1.9% - 2.0%
New sections - - 0.5%* - 0.4%
Other impacts 1.6% 2.0% 1.4% - 1.7%
Toll revenue (in € millions) 2,383 623 1,129 35 4,170
2010/2009 change 3.6% 3.8% 3.8% - 4.1%
Revenue (in € millions) 2,441 633 1,150 35 4,259
2010/2009 change 3.6% 3.8% 3.5% 97.7% 4.0%

* A86 Duplex

Total traffic on motorway concessions – entire network (excluding A86 Duplex)

(in millions of km travelled)

  4th quarter   Total at 31 December
2009   2010   Change 2009   2010   Change
Light vehicles 5,106 5,190 1.6% 24,080 24,537 1.9%
Heavy vehicles 989 1,030 4.2% 3,954 4,070 2.9%
ASF 6,095 6,220 2.0% 28,034 28,607 2.0%
Light vehicles 1,338 1,342 0.3% 5,976 6,060 1.4%
Heavy vehicles 145 152 4.3% 585 616 5.2%
Escota 1,483 1,494 0.7% 6,561 6,676 1.8%
Light vehicles 2,068 2,069 0.1% 9,288 9,448 1.7%
Heavy vehicles 374 387 3.6% 1,485 1,533 3.3%
Cofiroute (intercity network) 2,442 2,456 0.6% 10,773 10,981 1.9%
Light vehicles 46 50 9.6% 121 222 NS
Heavy vehicles 7 9 21.7% 15 32 NS
Arcour 53 59 11.2% 136 254 NS
Light vehicles 8,557 8,651 1.1% 39,465 40,267 2.0%
Heavy vehicles 1,516 1,578 4.1% 6,040 6,251 3.5%
Total VINCI Autoroutes 10,073 10,229 1.6% 45,505 46,518 2.2%





VINCI has decided to account for jointly controlled companies using the equity method as from financial year 2010 in accordance with IAS 31 ?Interests in Joint Ventures?2. This equity accounting method, already used by other European groups operating in the construction and concessions sector, is a better reflection of VINCI's business model in the field of public-private partnerships carried out through jointly owned project companies mainly using non-recourse financing. In addition, this option is consistent with the IASB's recent decision to eliminate the proportionate consolidation method for jointly controlled entities.

The 2009 statements have been restated to take account of this change of method and enable comparisons to be made from one year to the next3.

The main impacts on the 2009 financial statements of the change of method are shown in the table below.


(€ in millions)

  2009 published   2009 restated   Difference
      as a % of revenue *     as a % of revenue *
Revenue* 31,928   30,741   (1,187)
of which: France 19,621 19,614 (7)
International 12,306   11,127   (1,179)
of which: Concessions 4,899 4,889 (10)
Contracting 26,891   25,729   (1,162)
Cash flow from operations (EBITDA) 4,964 15.5% 4,771 15.5% (193)
of which: Concessions 3,086 63.0% 3,089 63.2% 3
Contracting 1,737 6.5% 1,541 6.0% (196)
Operating profit from ordinary activities 3,192 10.0% 3,100 10.1% (92)
of which: Concessions 1,917 39.1% 1,937 39.6% 20
Contracting 1,220 4.5% 1,107 4.3% (113)
Operating profit 3,145 9.8% 3,110 10.1% (35)
of which: Concessions 1,928 39.3% 1,929 39.5% 1
Contracting 1,165 4.3% 1,129 4.4% (36)
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the parent 1,596 5.0% 1,596 5.2% -
Diluted earnings per share (in €) 3.21   3.21   -
Capital employed 25,491 25,005 (549)
Equity including non-controlling interests 10,440 10,467 27
Net financial debt (13,684)   (13,130)   554
ROCE 8.8%   9.0%    

* Excluding concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group entities

The main jointly controlled companies – previously accounted for using the proportionate consolidation method – that will now be accounted for using the equity method are:

  • In concessions: the project companies for the Prado Sud tunnel in France, the A-Modell A4-Horselberg and A5-Malsch/Offenburg motorways in Germany, the R1 expressway in Slovakia, the Liefkenshoek tunnel in Belgium and the Newport South Distributor Road in the United Kingdom. LAZ Parking in the United States is also jointly controlled.
  • In contracting: DEME, a subsidiary owned 50% by CFE ; QDVC (Qatari Diar VINCI Construction), a subsidiary owned 49% by VINCI Construction Grands Projets.


VINCI will publish its 2010 annual results post-application of IAS 31 ?Interests in Joint Ventures? after the close of stock market trading on 1 March 2011.


This press release is available in French, English and German on VINCI's website at

APPENDIX 2: Consolidated revenue at 31 December 2010

Provisional figures post-application of IAS 31


(€ in millions)

  Total at 31 December   Change

2010 vs. 2009 restated

  2009 published   2009 restated   2010 Actual   Comparable
VINCI Autoroutes 4,095.0 4,095.0 4,258.7 +4.0% +4.0%
VINCI Park & other concessions 803.5 794.1 832.2 +4.8% +0.6%
S/T Concessions 4,898.5 4,889.1 5,091.0 +4.1% +3.4%
Energies 4,868.7 4,861.7 7,102.0 +46.1% (0.3%)
Eurovia 8,002.9 7,851.1 7,930.2 +1.0% (1.7%)
Construction 14,019.5 13,016.0 13,047.7 +0.2% (2.7%)
S/T Contracting 26,891.1 25,728.8 28,079.9 +9.1% (2.0%)
VINCI Immobilier 559.3 558.5 603.3 +8.0% +8.0%
Intragroup eliminations (421.2) (435.4) (470.0)    
Total excluding concession subsidiaries' construction revenue (IFRIC 12) 31,927.6 30,740.9 33,304.2 +8.3% (1.1%)
Concession subsidiaries' construction revenue 990.0 812.8 913.9 +12.4% +12.4%
Intragroup eliminations (458.0) (376.1) (288.8)
Concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group entities532.0436.7625.1+43.1%+43.0%
Total32,459.6 31,177.733,929.3+8.8%(0.5%)
Revenue by geographical area

(€ in millions)

    Total at 31 December   Change

2010 vs. 2009 restated

2009 published 2009 restated   2010 Actual   Comparable
Concessions 4,582.4 4,616.8 4,791.0 +3.8% +3.4%
Energies 3,113.6 3,109.7 4,438.5 +42.7% +0.6%
Eurovia 4,639.4 4,589.0 4,568.5 (0.4%) (0.7%)
Construction 7,174.2 7,144.9 6,874.9 (3.8%) (4.2%)
Contracting 14,927.2 14,843.6 15,881.8 7.0% (2.1%)
Eliminations and miscellaneous 111.8 153.2 223.7    
Total 19,621.4 19,613.6 20,896.5 +6.5% (0.4%)
Concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group entities 472.1 426.1 598.4 +40.4% +40.4%
Total France*20,093.520,039.721,494.9+7.3%+0.5%
Concessions 316.1 272.3 300.0 +10.2% +2.9%
Energies 1,755.0 1,752.0 2,663.5 +52.0% (2.0%)
Eurovia 3,363.5 3,262.1 3,361.7 +3.1% (3.1%)
Construction 6,845.3 5,871.2 6,172.9 +5.1% (1.1%)
Contracting 11,963.9 10,885.3 12,198.1 +12.1% (1.8%)
Eliminations and miscellaneous 26.2 (30.2) (90.4)    
Total 12,306.2 11,127.4 12,407.7 +11.5% (2.2%)
Concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group entities 59.9 10.6 26.7 +151.6% +145.1%
Total International*12,366.111,138.012,434.4+11.6%(2.1%)

* In application of IFRIC 12, includes concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by non-Group entities

Order book of contracting's business lines (Energies, Eurovia, Construction)

Post-application of IAS 31

(€ in billions)


IAS 31


IAS 31



Energies 3.0 6.3 +108%
Eurovia 5.7 5.2 (10%)
Construction 13.9 14.5 +4%
Total Contracting 22.6 25.9+15%
of which:

- France




- international 11.7 12.6 +7%

APPENDIX 3: Application of IAS 31 - Impact on 2009 financial statements


(€ in millions)   2009 published   2009 restated   Difference
Total revenue 32,460 31,178 (1,282)
- Revenue excluding concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by third parties 31,928 30,741 (1,187)
- Concessions subsidiaries' works revenue carried out by third parties 532 437 (95)
Operating profit from ordinary activities 3,192 3,100 (92)
As a % of revenue * 10.0% 10.1%  
Share-based payments (IFRS 2) (63) (63) -
Goodwill impairment expense (12) (12) -
Profit/(loss) of associates 27 85 58
Operating profit 3,145 3,110 (35)
As a % of revenue * 9.8% 10.1%  
Cost of net financial debt (743) (714) 29
Other financial income and expenses 41 34 (7)
Income tax expense (745) (727) 18
Net profit attributable to non-controlling interests (102) (107) (5)
Net profit attributable to owners of the parent 1,596 1,596 -
As a % of revenue * 5.0% 5.2%  
Earnings per share (in €) ** 3.21 3.21 -

* Calculated based on revenue excluding concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by third parties

** After taking account of dilutive instruments


(€ in millions)   2009 published   as % of revenue*   2009 restated   as % of revenue*   Difference
VINCI Autoroutes 1,793 43.8% 1,793 43.8% -
VINCI Park 101 16.3% 98 17.0% (3)
Other concessions & holding companies 23 n/a 46 n/a 23
Concessions 1,917 39.1% 1,937 39.6% 20
Energies 267 5.5% 266 5.5% (1)
Eurovia 319 4.0% 309 3.9% (10)
Construction 634 4.5% 532 4.1% (102)
Contracting 1,220 4.5% 1,107 4.3% (113)
Property & holding companies 56   56   -
Operating profit from ordinary activities 3,192 10.0% 3,100 10.1% (92)
Share-based expense (IFRS 2), equity-accounted companies and miscellaneous (48)   10   58
Operating profit 3,145 9.8% 3,110 10.1% (35)

* Calculated based on revenue excluding concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by third parties


(€ in millions)   2009 published   2009 restated   Difference
Cash flow from operations before tax and financing costs (EBITDA) 4,964 4,771 (193)
Changes in WCR and current provisions 609 524 (85)
Income taxes paid (690) (644) 46
Net interest paid (784) (762) 22
Dividends received from equity-accounted companies - 47 47
Cash flows (used in)/from operations 4,100 3,935 (164)
Net investments in operating assets (798) (616) 182
Operating cash flow 3,302 3,320 (18)
Investments in concessions and PPP contracts (1,227) (1,044) 183
Net financial investments (110) (127) (17)
Other (7) (31) (25)
Cash flows (used in)/from investing activities 1,958 2,118 159
Capital increases and decreases 654 654 -
Changes in treasury shares (2) (2) -
Dividends paid (873) (875) (2)
Cash flows for the period 1,737 1,894 157
Other changes (50) (23) 27
Change in net debt 1,687 1,871 184


(€ in millions)   2009 published   As % of revenue*   2009 restated   as % of revenue*   Difference
VINCI Autoroutes 2,807 68.5% 2,807 68.5% -
VINCI Park 203 32.6% 198 34.3% (5)
Other concessions & holding companies 76 n/a 84 n/a 8
Concessions 3,086 63.0% 3,089 63.2% 3
Energies 294 6.0% 294 6.0% -
Eurovia 515 6.4% 498 6.3% (17)
Construction 928 6.6% 749 5.8% (179)
Contracting 1,737 6.5% 1,541 6.0% (196)
Property & holding companies 141   141   -
Cash flow from operations 4,964 15.5% 4,771 15.5% (193)

* Calculated based on revenue excluding concession subsidiaries' revenue derived from works carried out by third parties


At 31 December

(€ in millions)   2009 published   2009 restated   Difference
Non-current assets - Concessions 26,681 26,235 (446)
Non-current assets – other businesses 5,057 4,706 (351)
Current financial assets 35 35 -
Net cash managed 6,022 5,887 (135)
Total assets 37,795 36,863 (932)
Equity attributable to owners of the parent 9,808 9,811 3
Non-controlling interests 632 656 24
Equity 10,440 10,467 27
Non-current provisions and miscellaneous long-term debt 1,401 1,443 42
Borrowings 19,706 19,017 (689)
WCR and current provisions 6,248 5,936 (312)
Total liabilities 37,795 36,863 (932)
Net financial debt (13,684) (13,130) 554


(€ in millions)   2009 published   Debt/
VINCI Autoroutes (14,029) x 5.0 (14,029) x 5.0 -
VINCI Park (830) x 4.1 (820) x 4.1 10
Other concessions (611) x 7.9 (351) x 4.3 260
Concessions holding companies (2,447)   (2,446)   1
Concessions (17,917) x 5.8 (17,645) x 5.7 272
Energies 966 - 964 - (2)
Eurovia 427 - 426 - (1)
Construction 1,947 - 2,228 - 282
Contracting 3,339 - 3,618 - 279
Property and holding companies 894 - 898 - 4
Net financial debt at 31 December (13,684) x 2.8 (13,130) x 2.8 554

* The order book does not yet include the following infrastructure concession contracts won by the Group and currently being finalised: South Europe Atlantic high-speed rail line, Notre Dame des Landes airport (Nantes), Olympic Stadium in Nice, Moscow–St Petersburg motorway.

1 The figures given and commented upon in this section are before the application of IAS 31 ?Interests in Joint Ventures,? the impacts of which are described at the end of this press release.

2 IAS 31 distinguishes between three categories of joint ventures: jointly controlled operations, jointly controlled assets and jointly controlled entities. The first two categories (?operations? and ?assets?) are accounted for on the basis of the Group's share in controlled assets, incurred liabilities, and income and expenses. IAS 31 proposes the option of accounting for jointly controlled entities using the equity method.

3 The restated 2009 figures, currently being audited, are available on the Group's website at www.vinci.com

Press contact:
Estelle Ferron-Hugonnet
Tel: +33 1 47 16 32 41
Maxence Naouri
+33 1 47 16 31 82
Investor relations:
Christopher Welton
Tel: +33 1 47 16 45 07
Marie-Amélia Folch
+33 1 47 16 45 39