Vallourec announced the signature of a 5-year contract with Equinor in Brazil for the turnkey supply of premium tubes and connections, accessories, and services. Equinor, a global energy giant, is one of the largest oil producers in Brazil. Vallourec low-carbon high performance OCTG solutions will contribute to the development of the Bacalhau and Raia fields operated in the pre-salt, as well as the Peregrino field in the post-salt, while contributing to Equinor's Energy Transition Plan to reach net zero by 2050.

The contract also includes innovative digital solutions, as well as Vallourec?s full set of Tubular Management Services (TMS). These services will increase efficiencies of onshore and offshore operations and reduce the total cost of ownership for Equinor. Vallourec's strategic premium hub in Brazil, comprising the Barreiro and Jeceaba (Minas Gerais) production plants, and the Vallourec Tubular Solutions (VTS) integrated services centre in Macae, will handle all Equinor's needs featuring a high degree of local content and an optimized supply chain.

First product deliveries are expected in the second half of 2025.