Volkswagen AG (XTRA:VOW3) is aiming for Initial Public Offering (IPO) of TRATON AG in April, 2019 and expects to sell shares worth €5 billion to €6 billion ($5.7 billion to $6.9 billion), two people close to the matter said. Plans for a stock market listing have not been finalised and depend on market conditions, these people said. Traton's Chief Executive Officer, Andreas Renschler did not comment when asked about the plans, but told analysts at Traton's capital markets day: “We want to be the most profitable vehicle player and to have access to all global profit pools.” Volkswagen declined to comment about any such plans.

Barclays Bank of Botswana Limited (BSM:BARCLAYS), Bank of America Corporation (NYSE:BAC), BNP Paribas SA (ENXTPA:BNP), SEB SA (ENXTPA:SK), UniCredit S.p.A. (BIT:UCG) are acting joint bookrunners, while Commerzbank AG (DB:CBK), HSBC Holdings plc (LSE:HSBA), Société Générale Société anonyme (ENXTPA:GLE) and Landesbank Baden-Württemberg are acting as co-leads.