The composition of the Shareholders' Nomination Board (SNB) for TietoEVRY Corporation was determined based on holdings on 31 August 2020 in the Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish shareholders' registers and received evidence thereof. TietoEVRY's Shareholders' Nomination Board comprises four members nominated by the large shareholders and the Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the company. The shareholders who wished to participate in the work of the Shareholders' Nomination Board nominated the following members: Petter Söderström, Investment Director, Solidium Oy, Gabriele Cipparrone, Partner, Apax Partners LLP, Gustav Moss, Vice President, Cevian Capital AB Mikko Mursula, Chief Investment Officer, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company and Tomas Franzén, Chairperson of the Board of Directors, TietoEVRY Corporation. The representative of the large shareholder shall act as chairperson unless otherwise decided by the Shareholders' Nomination Board.