Oddo maintains its 'neutral' rating on Thales shares, with a lowered price target from 139 to 134 euros.

According to the analyst, Thales should end the 2022 financial year with around €22 billion in new orders, bringing the order book to €42.5 billion - equivalent to 29 months' sales.

In this context, Oddo anticipates organic sales growth of 5.6% for FY 22 to 17,620 ME (Cons VA: 17,567 ME), i.e. at the top end of the 3.5% to 5.5% range, as well as EBIT of 1,947 ME (+18.1%) versus 1,925 ME for the consensus, i.e. a margin of 11.1%.

Nevertheless, Oddo highlights the recruitment difficulties encountered by Thales, and believes that 'the consensus is certainly still a little too optimistic in its growth forecasts for the coming financial years'.

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