Sungrow Power Supply Co., Ltd. displayed its utility solution, the 1+X Modular Inverter, liquid cooled energy storage systems (ESS), commercial and residential innovations for the vibrant MENA solar and storage markets during this year's World Future Energy Summit (WFES) in Abu Dhabi, the UAE. The Company also signed a total of 500 MW distribution agreements and won the MESIA Solar Award for the second year, further catalyzing local decarbonization and genuinely accelerating meeting the local carbon neutral goal. In addition, Mr. H. E. Zhang Yiming, Ambassador of China to the UAE, toured Sungrow's booth.

A comprehensive PV and energy storage offerings: The MENA is one of the world's most famed solar hubs, and the requirement for solar inverter solutions is becoming more stringent. Meanwhile, energy storage, as an integral part of the transition to renewable energy, is in growing demand. Tailored to utility-scale PV plants, Sungrow exhibited its latest offering, the 1+X Modular Inverter.

It's an innovation combining the advantages of both central and string inverters. The product can be configured up to 8.8 MW with 1.1 MW modular capacity and one MPPT for each unit, making the plant design unprecedentedly flexible and easier operations and maintenance (O&M). The solution is resilient to sandy and scorching conditions, like the Arabian Desert.

Sungrow also offers forward-looking liquid cooled ESS, the PowerTitan and the PowerStack intended for the latest utility-scale and C&I storage applications respectively. The systems are designed based on Sungrow's Triple-E concept, namely electrochemical, electronics technology, and electrical grid support technology. Through liquid cooled thermal management, both storage systems have superior lifespans.

The new cluster controller can charge and discharge battery racks individually; therefore, increasing the overall system performance. Sungrow's latest residential and C&I solutions on display are set to satisfy the urgent demand of the regional local communities to power life and business. Tailored for C&I installations, the commercial portfolio SG25/50/125CX-P2 combined with the optimizer, ensure higher yields and streamlined O&M. They are fully compatible with large-format modules.

The high protection capacity of IP66 and C5 makes the inverter robust despite working on rooftops where they are vulnerable to harsh conditions in the long run. In addition, the cutting-edge residential 1-phase and 3-phase product portfolios and batteries, provide stable and sustainable clean power for more households.