State Street Corporation announced that its Brazilian bank has begun to offer full foreign exchange (FX) trading capabilities and sales operations. State Street previously acquired control of Natixis Brasil S.A. - Banco Múltiplo, a São Paulo-based Brazilian financial institution in 2019. This milestone serves as an important marker for the firm’s broader expansion plans for the Latin American region, as this an opportunity to better serve both its local and global clients – as well as prospects – by bringing its market leading capabilities and unparalleled scale to LatAm. State Street now has 13 FX sales and trading desk locations globally, and combined with its global custodial network, provides clients with the highest levels of onshore access. Through local trading desks, State Street clients have an unparalleled level of insight into the conditions and developments impacting local markets, as well as additional access to liquidity. State Street also announced it has appointed Marcia Rothschild as head of Latin America with responsibility for leading sales and deepening relationships with clients and prospects. She joins from Vistra where she served as business development director for Vistra’s Alternatives division. Prior to working at Vistra, Rothschild held leadership positions at SS&C, Citigroup, and BNP Paribas.