Capital Senior Living Corporation announced the completion of 56 first-dose COVID-19 vaccination clinics comprising 56% of its communities. During the past three weeks, more than 3,000 residents and nearly 900 staff members have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Resident participation is approximately 80% in communities where first-dose clinics have been held. The Company has 32 more first-dose clinics scheduled through mid-February and expects to receive clinic dates soon for 12 communities not yet scheduled. During the vaccine clinics, community staff assist with escorting residents to a select common area where social distancing, masking, and other infection control measures are carried out. Residents are welcomed by clinic personnel that administer the vaccination and record pertinent information in preparation for the second round of the vaccine. The Company is partnering with CVS?Health?as part of the CDC’s Pharmacy Partnership for Long-Term Care?Facilities?program?to administer onsite vaccine clinics at?its communities during the next few months.?CVS Health provides the trained personnel and supplies to administer the vaccine as well as manages logistics to ship and store the vaccine per manufacturer requirements.