Singapore Airlines Ltd. announced operating results for the month of December 2012. For the month, the company reported passenger-km of 8,362.0 million compared to 7,881.4 million for the same period last year. Passengers carried were 1,628,000 compared to 1,536,000 for the same period a year ago.

Passenger load factor was 82.2% compared to 79.6% for the same period a year ago. Capacity (seat-km) was 10,176.0 million compared to 9,900.6 million for the same period a year ago. In December 2012, the company recorded 6.1% growth in passenger carriage (measured in revenue passenger kilometers) against 2.8% growth in capacity (measured in available seat kilometers).

Passenger load factor (PLF) improved by 2.6% points to 82.2%. The number of passengers carried increased by 6.0% to 1.6 million.