FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - Investors in Sartorius were optimistic about the year 2024 on Tuesday. On the first trading day of the year, the shares of the laboratory equipment manufacturer led the DAX, which rose by 1.3 percent at the same time, with a price jump of four percent. An analyst comment provided a tailwind: the bank JPMorgan expects positive news when the company publishes its figures for the fourth quarter on January 26.

JPMorgan analyst Richard Vosser gave Sartorius shares "Positive Catalyst Watch" status, meaning he expects the results to provide a boost. A sustained recovery in the order situation in the Bioprocess Solutions Division (BPS) and the outlook for 2024 should be well received, according to his thesis. He referred to market expectations of relatively low growth in the BPS division in 2024 and also assumes that medium-term targets up to 2028 should maintain the recent positive performance of the shares. Since the October low, they have gained more than 60% in value./tih/mis