FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Following initial sales figures for e-prescriptions, Redcare Pharmacy shares continued their recovery on Thursday morning. On the trading platform Tradegate, the shares of the online pharmacy rose by almost 6 percent above the Xetra closing price to 121.60 euros. This means that they have already recovered by 13 percent from the low since mid-May on Tuesday, and the simple 200-day line at 125 euros is coming into focus.

Analyst Martin Comtesse from the investment bank Jefferies spoke of an encouraging signal for the potential of the e-prescription in Germany. Sales had clearly picked up in the second quarter, although there had only been half a month of full digital access to prescription drugs since the Card-Link launch at the beginning of May. The number of active customers continues to rise.

Meanwhile, UBS expert Olivier Calvet, who is generally more skeptical than Comtesse, wrote that the prescription drugs business still needs to improve in the second half of the year. The consensus expects growth rates of 64 to 83 percent for the year as a whole. Only 21 percent was achieved in the first half of the year. However, Calvet expects a positive share price reaction and refers to statements on the development of the operating result (EBITDA) for the full year./ag/mis