NICE announced that Yource successfully employed NICE's Workforce Management (WFM) solution to further support the transition to a hybrid work model. Yource has seen an increase in forecast accuracy, ensuring more effective service and improving customer satisfaction. As a major omnichannel and multilingual contact center services provider, Yource provides a unique combination of outsourcing, insourcing, near and offshoring, and staffing options from its locations in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Morocco, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, and Suriname. Since its first implementation 15 years ago, Yource entrusts NICE to meet its dynamic and growing needs. NICE, with its local Dutch partner BrightContact, upgraded the company's WFM technology to provide Yource the capability to expand as it maintains excellent contact center staffing levels and handle a large volume of interactions. NICE WFM improves forecast accuracy with AI-driven insights into net staffing fluctuations and schedule optimization. The solution automatically balances employee preferences and the company's business needs, making it a key element in a
large-scale initiative at Yource to provide employees greater flexibility and control over their scheduling processes with the shift to hybrid work. Empowering employees and improving net staffing has also improved efficiency and
performance, which in turn increases customer satisfaction. Truly flexible scheduling requires interconnected, real-time staffing analysis by giving employees autonomy over their schedules and encouraging coordination between team members. The further transition to a hybrid work environment will require a technological framework that applies robust rules to optimize human engagement. Leaders like Yource, who innovate in the flexible scheduling space, have been able to establish a valuable differentiator for employee empowerment.