Mastercard and Ubirider, have entered into an agreement to jointly offer Innovative digital solutions that combine operational, payment and ticketing resources and data for public transport agencies and operators. Through this partnership, Mastercard and Ubirider will look to expand on the early success of the products in Portugal to simplify access and payments for mobility services. The MaaS platform Pick, which comprises mobile applications, cloud software and web portals, incorporates state-of-the-art payment technologies that benefit users, in terms of convenience, transport integration and simplicity, and operators in terms of efficiency, cost reduction and quality of service.

The management of public transport systems varies from country to country, from city to city and even between operators. However, there is a common thread between almost all public transport operators - All of them struggle to manage and integrate several technological platforms into their operation: Management of schedules, drivers, services offered, communicating information to the public; Issuing tickets through different channels (ticket offices, vending machines, apps, website); Accepting payments (credit/debit cards, digital wallets); Issuance of invoices and receipts. This complex and intricate structure creates numerous inefficiencies and lost revenue for operators which often results in a frustrating experience for passengers as well.

The platform Pick by Ubirider combines all these functions in an integrated digital environment, saving time and costs, but also improving efficiency, as it integrates, relates and manages all operation data in a single application. Pick also includes a powerful payment management system, which allows passengers to buy trips involving different mobility services (multimodal), by aggregated payment that is immediately distributed by the operators involved, reducing payment friction and time for passengers, as well as administrative costs and burdens for operators. In addition, Pick offers transport operators and agencies advanced contactless payment technologies, such as Tap-on-Phone, which is a PCI-certified and secure software technology that transforms a smartphone into a simple payment terminal, more powerful, faster and more affordable than traditional systems that are based on heavy and expensive hardware.

In July, in partnership with Mastercard, Ubirider implemented in the city of Évora the first Tap-on-Phone traffic application incorporated into its app for bus drivers, Pick Driver, which immediately allowed the acceptance of contactless payments on-board buses operated by Trevo, the city's main transport operator. A quick and easy way to provide users with greater comfort and convenience through a state-of-the-art payment experience. Also, Mastercard's partnership with Ubirider, Fertagus, operator of suburban trains in the Lisbon metropolitan area which handles more than 2.8 million passengers per month, also adopted the Pick platform, through which more than 30% of ticket sales were transacted in the first 10 months, in a clear demonstration of adoption by users who consider the application useful and easy to navigate.