MasterCard and IDB Sign Agreement to Promote Economic Inclusion in Latin America and the Caribbean

Public-private partnership aims to benefit governments and underserved communities across LAC; Agreement designed to promote efficiency and transparency around financial transactions by leveraging MasterCard´s innovation and expertise in electronic payments

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Davos, Switzerland, January 23, 2014 -MasterCard (NYSE:MA) and theInter-American Development Bank(IDB) have recently signed a keystone agreement, as announced at the World Economic Forumin Davos, Switzerland, to work together in an effort to improve economic inclusion, transparency and financial formalization through the expansion of electronic payments in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

The five-year public-private partnership is intended to enhance access to information and promote the transition to electronic payment services in the region, which can help reduce transaction costs and increase the efficiency of financial disbursements. Replacing cash-based systems for electronic ones also can potentially reduce leakages, increasing the likelihood that payments and benefits end up in the hands of intended beneficiaries and recipients, helping to improve the lives of the underserved.

According to Luis Alberto Moreno, President of the IDB, "this initiative takes a two-pronged approach to promote financial transparency and formalization in the region. First, we intend for it to enhance access to information and accountability among governments in Latin America and the Caribbean. Second, in partnership with banks, microfinance organizations, development organizations and the private sector, we plan to extend electronic payment and financial services to the underserved as a vehicle for families and businesses across the region to overcome poverty," he explains.

"With this new public-private partnership, we intend to demonstrate the impact we can have when sectors come together to formalize local economies and extend the payment ecosystem. By offering financial tools that enable and empower underserved consumers and merchants, we could potentially create greater efficiency, transparency and inclusion for all" says Ajay Banga, MasterCard CEO.

With this agreement, MasterCard becomes the IDB's first corporate partner in transparency, making the company a pioneer in this type of public-private partnership. MasterCard will join the IDB and the Government of Norway in providing strategic advice to the IDB´s Transparency Fund. The Fund is the Bank's primary source of grant financing for 


-related projects and initiatives in Latin America and the Caribbean. As part of the Bank's public sector management agenda, the Fund has been a key catalyzer of investments in this area, creating synergies between projects in an $800 million portfolio (2008-2012) to help governments in the region. To date, the Fund has supported 11 governments in transitioning to more efficient and transparent systems, and will support four additional governments in 2014.

In his role as official MasterCard representative to the Fund, Gilberto Caldart, MasterCard President for the Latin American and Caribbean, expects to bring MasterCard's full expertise in the technology and payments industries to help governments identify leakages, analyze cost savings of electronic systems, and develop action plans to implement more transparent systems. "We strongly believe that this effort will help to promote government transparency, efficiency and accountability within the LAC region", declared Caldart.

Finally, according to the agreement, MasterCard and the IDB will actively collaborate in annual events such as the IDB Annual Meeting, FOROMIC, the MasterCard LAC Payment Innovation Summitand other key forums to promote thought leadership efforts and the dissemination of best practices in transparency, economic inclusion and electronic payments.

About the Inter-American Development Bank:

The IDB is a multilateral financial institution supporting Latin American and the Caribbean efforts to reduce poverty and inequality, and to bring about development in a sustainable, climate-friendly way. Established in 1959, it is the leading source of development financing for Latin America and the Caribbean, with a strong commitment to achieving measurable results. Twitter: @the_IDB

About MasterCard:

MasterCard(NYSE: MA),,is a technology company in the global payments industry. We operate the world's fastest payments processing network, connecting consumers, financial institutions, merchants, governments and businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. MasterCard's products and solutions make everyday commerce activities - such as shopping, traveling, running a business and managing finances - easier, more secure and more efficient for everyone. Follow us on Twitter@MasterCardNews,join the discussion on the  and for the latest news on the

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Roberta Isfer, MasterCard

+1 305 5392342

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