FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Flying will become even more expensive. Lufthansa will be charging a new type of environmental fee for flights from next year, as announced on Tuesday. This is intended to pass on some of the costs incurred as a result of EU environmental regulations. This refers, for example, to the expanded, partly voluntary emissions trading or sustainably produced bio-kerosene (SAF), which must be added to aviation fuel in accordance with EU regulations from next year.

The fee depends on the length of the flight and is expected to be between 1 and 72 euros. The trade portal "fvw" first reported this. Lufthansa will charge the fee for take-offs of all its Group airlines in all 27 EU countries as well as in the UK, Norway and Switzerland. The only exceptions are tickets on the platform, where customers are only shown gross prices.

Airlines have already shown individual price components from time to time in the past. The best-known example is the kerosene surcharge, which has since been discontinued. With the new environmental fee, it remains unclear what proportion of the additional regulatory costs passengers will have to bear. Individual payments to mitigate the climate impact of a flight remain possible./ceb/DP/jha