Il Messaggero reported that Finmeccanica SpA sent letters to the potential buyers of Ansaldo Energia S.p.A. for submitting binding offers until January 23, 2013, for the acquisition of 100% stake in Ansaldo Energia. Finmeccanica owns 55% stake and First Reserve Corporation owns 45% stake in Ansaldo Energia. Just before the end of 2012, Finmeccanica rejected the €1.25 billion offer of an Italian alliance led by Fondo Strategico Italiano S.p.A. (FSI).

Il Corriere della Sera reported that the alliance wanted to initially buy 27% in Ansaldo Energia and another 11% at a later stage. The request for binding offers means that Finmeccanica has not put the sale on hold until after the February 24, 2013. Siemens has been rumored for months to have offered €1.3 billion for 100% in Ansaldo Energia.