KIO 201401170036A
Trading statement for the twelve months ended 31 December 2013

Kumba Iron Ore Limited
A member of the Anglo American plc group
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 2005/015852/06)
JSE Share code: KIO
ISIN: ZAE000085346
("Kumba" or "the Company")


Kumba is currently finalising its results for the twelve months ended
31 December 2013 ("the period"), which will be released on SENS on 11
February 2014. Headline earnings and basic earnings for the period
are expected to be between R14,950 million and R15,750 million, with
headline earnings per share ("HEPS") and earnings per share ("EPS")
to be between R46.60 and R49.00.

Headline earnings and basic earnings reported for the 12 months ended
31 December 2012 (as released on SENS on 12 February 2013) ("the
comparative period") were R12,198 million and R12,212 million
respectively while HEPS and EPS reported for the comparative period
were R37.97 and R38.02 respectively.

The increase in earnings is largely attributable to an increase in
export iron ore prices and a weaker ZAR:US$ exchange rate, partially
offset by lower production from Sishen mine during the period.

The financial information on which this trading statement is based
has not been reviewed and reported on by the Company's external

17 January 2014

RAND MERCHANT BANK (A division of FirstRand Bank Limited)

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