Julius Baer, the leading Swiss private banking group, has formed a Global Advisory Committee of former high-profile Merrill Lynch executives which will support the Bank in successfully integrating Merrill Lynch's International Wealth Management (IWM) business outside the United States. Meanwhile, the preparatory activities for the integration are well on track: the Principal Closing of the acquisition is expected for 1 February 2013.

The members of the Global Advisory Committee will provide insights and advice to Julius Baer, serving as ambassadors for the integration and facilitating its successful completion by 2014. They will engage in an active dialogue with the local and regional management on how both entities can be combined smoothly and on how to move forward together.

All committee members are former senior managers of Merrill Lynch who were instrumental in creating its International Wealth Management business and worked at the company for many years, representing a combined experience of more than 180 years. Hence, they have profound knowledge of this business, be it its clients, its employees or its history. Furthermore, they are esteemed opinion leaders in their respective markets, maintaining vast personal networks in and outside the wealth management industry.

Julius Baer is pleased to announce that the following persons, who will report to CEO Boris F.J. Collardi, have been nominated to the Global Advisory Committee:

  • Winthrop H. Smith, Jr.
    Former Executive Vice President of Merrill Lynch & Co. and Chairman of Merrill Lynch International. He spent 28 years at the company, ten of which he was responsible for its growth outside the United States, successfully expanding its international footprint. His father was one of the founding partners of Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner and Smith, Inc.

  • Alfred P. Berger
    Former Chairman of Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) and Merrill Lynch Capital Markets. He worked at the company for an astonishing 53 years, acting as Chairman of Merrill Lynch Bank (Suisse) for more than 20 years. Alfred Berger campaigns for a good cause as board member of The Ludwig Institute of Cancer Research.

  • Jose M. Malbran
    Former Chairman of Merrill Lynch's Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa Private Client Group and Merrill Lynch International Bank. Having served the company for 30 years, he gained significant exposure in various markets, driving Merrill Lynch's regional growth. He is one of the most renowned experts for wealth management in Latin America.

  • Raymundo Yu
    Former Chairman Asia Pacific of Merrill Lynch International and current Chairman Asia Pacific of Threadneedle Investments. During his 27 years with Merrill Lynch, he was instrumental in building its wealth management business in Asia, establishing it as one of the key players in the region.

  • Makram Zaccour
    Former CEO of Merrill Lynch in the Middle East. Starting his career as a financial consultant at the office of Merrill Lynch & Co. in Beirut, he spent 43 years at the company. As CEO Middle East he played a pivotal role in building and expanding the business in this important growth region.

The committee will be jointly chaired by Boris F.J. Collardi and Winthrop H. Smith, Jr.

"The formation of the Global Advisory Committee will have a strong positive impact on the successful integration of the International Wealth Management business. All of its members are greatly experienced private banking executives and we are very pleased and proud that they have agreed to join us in creating the new reference in private wealth management," said Boris F.J. Collardi.

"We are delighted to be members of the Global Advisory Committee and reconnect to the professionals who worked with us in shaping a premier global private wealth business. Our shared values will endure, and we are confident that Julius Baer and IWM will be a perfect match. We are fully committed to this transaction and helping to make it as successful as it should be. We are also looking forward to renewing contacts with our friends around the World," Winthrop H. Smith, Jr. added.

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