Wind River, a world leader in embedded and mobile software, will optimize its multi-core solutions and commercially support the 2nd Generation Intel® Core? processor family with board support packages across Wind River's diverse software portfolio.

Aligning its long-term product roadmaps with Intel, Wind River will expand hardware support for the 2nd Generation Intel Core processor family on its VxWorks and Wind River Linux operating system platforms, Wind River Hypervisor, Wind River Workbench and Wind River Workbench On-Chip Debugging multi-core JTAG tools and provide Wind River Simics model library pre-silicon support. Additionally, these solutions are backed by Wind River's world-class global support and services. Given the new processor's strong emphasis on graphics performance, Wind River's extended hardware support is especially significant to customers in the aerospace and defense, industrial, medical, and networking market segments, for a variety of use cases such as military radar imaging or patient monitoring systems.

?The level of sophistication and computing power required for graphics in embedded devices is growing dramatically, especially in the areas of aerospace and defense, industrial and medical imaging, and networking,? said Warren Kurisu, vice president of VxWorks product management at Wind River. ?Through tight integration to optimize our portfolio of multi-core software solutions for the 2nd Generation of Intel® Core? processors, Wind River helps developers keep pace and stay competitive, especially as they tackle multi-core environments and create rich visual environments for embedded devices.?

?The 2nd Generation Intel® Core processor family is a tremendous advancement in embedded computing performance and capabilities over any previous generation,? said Matt Langman, director of product marketing, Embedded Computing Division at Intel. ?Early solutions from our ecosystem members and affiliate companies, like Wind River, helps customers get to market faster with highly optimized hardware and software solutions.?

The 2nd Generation Intel Core processor family delivers enhancements extending chip performance and battery life as well as several significant built-in features designed to deliver rich visual experiences. Intel's ?ring? architecture allows the built-in processor graphics engine to share resources with the processor's core to increase computing and graphics performance while maintaining energy efficiency. The processor graphics deliver enhanced visual features in areas such as HD video, 3-D imaging, gaming, multitasking, and online social engagements and multimedia.

Wind River On-Board Program

Customers participating in the Intel Embedded Pre-Release Seed Board Program for the 2nd generation Intel Core processor family can now order Wind River Embedded Development Kits highlighting the processor's graphics capabilities. Partnering with leading embedded board vendors to provide embedded development kits, Wind River created the Wind River On-Board Program to help developers begin application development within minutes of opening the kit. Additional details regarding software configuration and ordering are available at

Wind River has a unique advantage within the embedded industry with its comprehensive software portfolio, which includes industry-leading embedded operating systems, embedded virtualization and run-time technologies, development tools, full system simulation tools and an embedded test management solution as well as a rich technology heritage of industry-specific software solutions, combined with worldwide professional services and support.

About Wind River

Wind River, a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), is a world leader in embedded and mobile software. Wind River has been pioneering computing inside embedded devices since 1981, and its technology is found in more than 500 million products. Wind River is headquartered in Alameda, Calif., with offices in more than 15 countries. To learn more, visit Wind River at or

Intel and Intel Core are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States and other countries.

Wind River
Jenny Suh, 510-749-2972