Invodo announced the company has joined IBM's Smarter Commerce ecosystem of partners, offering retailers using IBM's Commerce platform a comprehensive solution for increasing revenues and customer value through product, how-to, and support video. Consumers are increasingly turning to online video to assist with researching and purchasing products. The partnership is underpinned by a fully validated integration of the Invodo video platform with IBM(R) WebSphere Commerce, enabling retailers and brands to add revenue-driving video to their storefronts with little to no incremental IT costs and with the flexibility to adapt quickly to shifting shopper needs.

Invodo's video solutions include strategy, scalable production services and a world-class video platform that includes advanced player functionality and a robust analytics engine to measure the impact that videos have on consumer behavior and to help further optimize video content. IBM WebSphere Commerce enables marketers to deliver a seamless, omni-channel shopping experience through contextually relevant content, marketing and promotions, while extending their brand across digital and physical channels. WebSphere Commerce software is a leading electronic commerce solution designed to support virtually all enterprise business models while providing a rich, differentiated customer experience through a single platform.