Paris, 10 January 2023


In connection with the liquidity contract signed between Hermès International and Exane BNP PARIBAS, outstanding means as of the trading date of December 31, 2022, amounted to:

. 4,467 shares Hermès International
. € 14,828,620

During the 2nd half of the year, total trades were:

Buy: 139,346 shares, (5,205 transactions)            € 185,404,083
Sell: 139,717 shares, (7,329 transactions)               € 186,319,602

As of the previous half yearly situation (as of June 30, 2022) outstanding means on the liquidity account amounted to:

. 4,838 shares Hermès International
. € 13,862,037

During the 1st half of the year, total trades were:
Buy: 96,347 shares, (3,058 transactions)             € 105,302,600
Sell: 91,509 shares, (4,758 transactions) € 100,212,676
As of July 1, 2021, first time application of the AMF 2021-01 decision dated June 22, 2021, the outstanding means on the liquidity account amounted to:

. 496 shares Hermès International
. € 18,278,671

As of December 31, 2018, first time application of the AMF 2018-1 decision dated July 2, 2018, the outstanding means on the liquidity account amounted to:

. 9,166 shares Hermès International
. €10,762,172


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