Herbalife Nutrition launched Protein Baked Goods Mix, officially entering the baked goods category. Specially formulated to be combined with Formula 1 Healthy Meal Nutritional Shake Mix, consumers can now make high-protein and nutritious muffins, waffles, donuts and pancakes offering a new way to consume protein throughout the day to help satisfy hunger and keep weight-management goals on track. Breakfast, once considered the most important meal of the day, is no longer the case, as consumers' consumption habits have shifted in recent years. According to research, half (46%) of consumers enjoy eating breakfast foods at non-traditional times, especially at dinner (56%). The popularity of breakfast foods may be tied to increasing protein-rich options and snacking occasions among millennial consumers. When combined with any flavor of Formula 1, Protein Baked Goods Mix makes a nutrient-dense muffin that is gluten-free, low glycemic, suitable for vegetarians and people with diabetes, and contains: 24 grams of high-quality protein, 21 vitamins and minerals, 190 calories, 5 grams of fiber, No artificial sweeteners. To make a protein muffin, combine Protein Baked Goods Mix with any Formula 1 Meal Replacement shake flavor in a mug, add water and microwave for 3 minutes. No eggs, no milk needed.