Fitch Ratings has affirmed Gran Tierra Energy Inc.'s (GTE) and Gran Tierra Energy International Holdings Ltd's (GTE International) Long-Term Foreign and Local Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) at 'B'.

The Rating Outlook is Stable. In addition, Fitch has affirmed the 2027 USD300 million senior unsecured notes and the 2029 USD588 million senior secured notes issued by GTE at 'B'/'RR4'. Fitch has also affirmed the 2025 USD300 million senior unsecured notes issued by GTE International at 'B'/'RR4'.

GTE's ratings and Outlook reflect the company's adequate capital structure and low-cost operating profile, constrained by small scale of operations and limited geographic diversification. Fitch forecasts the company's gross production will grow at a CAGR of 11% over the next three years, reaching an average of 45,000boed by YE2026, while maintaining PDP and 1P reserve life at 4.0 years and 7.0 years, respectively. Fitch estimates GTE's debt/1P should be at or below USD7/boe, and gross EBITDA leverage at or below 2.0x, over the rating horizon.

Key Rating Drivers

Small Concentrated Production Profile: GTE's ratings are constrained by its production size, projected to increase to an average of 45,000boed by YE2026, in line with Fitch's positive sensitivity trigger. The company has a concentrated production profile where the Midas block accounts for nearly 50% of total current production. GTE's PDP and 1P reserve life is stable and close to 4.0 years and 7.0 years, respectively, in 2024.

Growth Strategy: Fitch expects total production to reach 45,000boed by YE2025, at a CAGR of 11% from YE2023 production. Growth will come mainly from the Cohembi field as GTE continues its development drilling plan while expanding its oil recovery program through waterflooding and the polymer injection. Growth will also be supported by the expected increase in production in Ecuador, where the company recently announced oil discovery at the Arawana-J1 field with an average output per well of 1,000 bbl/d.

Low-Cost Production Profile: GTE is well positioned compared with peers with half-cycle cost of production of USD25/boe in 2023, and Fitch expect it to remain at or below this level over the next three years. The company's half-cycle cost increased in 2023 as interest expenses grew by USD7.0 million, compared to FY2022. GTE's production profile allows the company greater financial flexibility to absorb shocks in pricing, as lower cost of production has allowed it to sell at a deeper discount than peers. The rating case assumes GTE will sell at an average discount to Brent of USD12.0/bbl over the rated horizon.

Adequate Capital Structure: Fitch projects that GTE's gross leverage will be 1.5x in 2024, assuming an EBITDA of USD390 million and total debt of USD600 million, and remain at or below 2.0x over the rating horizon. We also project debt/1P will be at or below USD6.5/boe assuming 1P replacement of 106%. Fitch's base case assumes that the 2024-2027 capex plan will be close to USD900 million and will be funded with internal cash flows without additional debt. Annual FCF should average USD65 million in 2024 and 2025.

Derivation Summary

GTE's credit and business profiles are comparable with other small independent oil producers in Colombia. The ratings of SierraCol Energy (B+/Stable) and Geopark (B+/Negative) are constrained to the 'B' category or below, given the inherent operational risk associated with the small scale and low diversification of their oil and gas production.

Fitch expects GTE's production will average 45,000boed by YE2026 and its PDP reserve life will be 4.0 years with a 1P reserve life 7.0 years. This compares well with SierraCol's PDP reserve life of 4.5 years and 1P reserve life of 7.0 years in 2024.

GTE's half-cycle production was USD25/boe in 2023 and the full-cycle cost was USD40/boe. This is in line with SierraCol's half-cycle production cost of USD26/boe in 2023 but lower than its full-cycle cost of USD44/boe. Geopark is the lowest cost producer in the region at USD15/bbl and estimated USD26/bbl.

GTE, SierraCol and Geopark have low leverage. Fitch expects GTE's 2024 leverage to be 1.5x, its total debt to PDP to be USD12/boe and total debt to 1P to be USD6.3/boe in FY2024.

Key Assumptions

Fitch's Key Assumptions Within the Rating Case for the Issuer

Fitch's price deck of USD80/bbl in 2024, USD70/bbl in 2025, USD65/bbl in 2026 and 2027;

Average daily gross production of 33,000boed in 2024, and an average of 40,000boed between 2025-2027;

Average USD12/bbl discount to Brent over 2024-2027;

Royalties of USD16/bbl in 2024 and an average of USD10/bbl from 2025-2027;

Operating expenses at USD16/boe in 2024, an average of USD15/boe between 2025-2027;

Transportation cost of USD1/boe over the rating horizon;

SG&A cost of USD3/boe over the rating horizon;

Capex of USD230 million in 2024;

No dividends over the rating horizon, share repurchases close to USD15 million in 2024;

1P Reserve Replacement of 106%.

Recovery Analysis

The recovery analysis assumes that GTE would be a going concern (GC) in bankruptcy and that it would be reorganized rather than liquidated.

GC Approach:

A 10% administrative claim.

The GC EBITDA is estimated at USD370 million. The GC EBITDA estimate reflects Fitch's view of a sustainable, post-reorganization EBITDA level upon which Fitch bases the valuation of GTE.

EV multiple of 4.0x.

With these assumptions, Fitch's waterfall generated recovery computation (WGRC) for the senior secured notes is in the 'RR1' band and the senior unsecured notes are in the 'RR2' band. However, according to Fitch's Country-Specific Treatment of Recovery Ratings Criteria, the Recovery Rating for corporate issuers in Colombia is capped at 'RR4'.


Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Positive Rating Action/Upgrade

Net production maintained at 45,000boed or more, while maintaining a 1P reserve life of seven years or greater;

Maintenance of a conservative financial profile with gross leverage of 2.5x or below and total debt/1P reserves of USD8/bbl or below.

Factors That Could, Individually or Collectively, Lead to Negative Rating Action/Downgrade

Sustainable production size declines to below 30,000boed;

1P reserve life declines to below seven years on a sustained basis;

A significant deterioration of credit metrics to total debt/EBITDA of 3.5x or more;

A persistently weak oil and gas pricing environment that impairs the longer-term value of its reserve base;

Sustained deterioration in liquidity and operating profile, particularly in conjunction with more aggressive dividend distributions than previously anticipated.

Liquidity and Debt Structure

Adequate Liquidity: GTE reported USD126.6 million in cash and equivalents as of 1Q24 and USD25 million of debt maturing in the short term. In 1Q24, the company issued an additional USD100 million offering for the 2029 senior secured notes and paid USD36.4 million outstanding balance of the credit facility, which was subsequently terminated. The rating case assumes GTE's FCF will be positive between 2024 and 2027.

Issuer Profile

Gran Tierra is an independent energy company with an average oil production of approximately 32,000boed onshore in Colombia. GTE's blocks are located in the Middle Magdalena, Llanos and Putumayo basins. The company had 90MMboe of 1P reserve and 7.6-year reserve life as of FY23.


The principal sources of information used in the analysis are described in the Applicable Criteria.


Click here to access Fitch's latest quarterly Global Corporates Macro and Sector Forecasts data file which aggregates key data points used in our credit analysis. Fitch's macroeconomic forecasts, commodity price assumptions, default rate forecasts, sector key performance indicators and sector-level forecasts are among the data items included.

ESG Considerations

Gran Tierra Energy Inc. has an ESG Relevance Score of '4' for GHG Emissions & Air Quality due to the growing importance of policies designed to limit the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the production of oil and gas and potentially lessening demand, which has a negative impact on the credit profile, and is relevant to the ratings in conjunction with other factors.

The highest level of ESG credit relevance is a score of '3', unless otherwise disclosed in this section. A score of '3' means ESG issues are credit-neutral or have only a minimal credit impact on the entity, either due to their nature or the way in which they are being managed by the entity. Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores are not inputs in the rating process; they are an observation on the relevance and materiality of ESG factors in the rating decision. For more information on Fitch's ESG Relevance Scores, visit

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