FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - After ups and downs, Gea reacted only moderately positively to the preliminary quarterly figures presented on Wednesday. The shares of the plant engineering company recently rose by 0.3 percent to 39.16 euros, after previously jumping up to 40.36 euros. After the initial delight at the increase in the profitability target, disillusionment set in.

"Gea still has to stretch itself to achieve the targets it has set itself for the year," commented market expert Andreas Lipkow on the share price gains that quickly dried up again. A decline in orders can be seen in the figures presented and this could stand in the way of the targets for the time being if this trend continues in the second half of the year.

RBC analyst Sebastian Kuenne takes a similar view: the raised outlook for profitability is relatively low. The market expectation is already in the middle of the range now being targeted. On the other hand, incoming orders remain weak and are below consensus./ck/he