Frontier Lithium Inc. announced the results of surface channel sampling of the newly discovered Spark Pegmatite, 2.3 km northwest of the PAK deposit, located on the Electric Avenue, a newly emerging premium lithium-metal district hosted in the Canadian Shield of northwestern Ontario. Channel sampling was initiated at the time of discovery in September 2018 and completed a month later in October. The pegmatite is well exposed where minimal stripping by hand was required to complete the channel sampling. In total 236.4m of channels were cut and represent two main transects (Channels 33 to 35 for 64m and Channels 37 and 38 for 94.5m) that are 65m apart and 3 additional channels, CH-36, CH-39 and CH-40 cut where the pegmatite was exposed. Figure 2 is a view from the west showing the trace of the channels draped over the topography. Channel 33 to 35 represents a continuous transect of 64m averaging 2.05% Li2O while Channel 37 to 38 located 70m to the east, is 94.5m averaging 1.85% Li2O with elevated Ta2O5 up to 615 ppm and 2.9% Li2O over 6.2m from 63.2 to 69.4m. Channel 36 (northern extension of Channel 33 to 35) averaged 2.02% Li 2O over 35m. Channel 36 could not be continuously sampled; however, overburden was removed by hand exposing continuous pegmatite. Channels 39 and 40 to the east average 1.88% Li 2O over 26.9m and 1.54% Li2O over 16m respectively. Sampling the surface exposures of the Spark Pegmatite shows consistent grades of Li2O throughout the sampled area varying from a low of 1.5% in Channel 40 in an aplite-rich pegmatite to over 2% throughout much of the rest of the pegmatite with narrower zones (<18m) ranging between 2.5% and 3.2%. High grade lithium zones of over 4% Li2O similar to the UIZ (Upper Intermediate Zone) at the PAK deposit occur, but over intervals typically less than 2m.