This document has been translated from the Japanese original for reference purposes only. In the event of any discrepancy between this translated document and the Japanese original, the original shall prevail. The Company assumes no responsibility for this translation or for direct, indirect or any other forms of damages arising from the translation.

(Securities code: 6954)

June 6, 2024

To Our Shareholders

(Commencement of measures for electronic provision: May 30, 2024)

Kenji Yamaguchi

Representative Director



3580, Shibokusa Aza-Komanba,Oshino-mura,

Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture

Notice of Convocation of

The 55th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Dear Shareholders,

We are pleased to announce that the 55th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of FANUC CORPORATION will be held as described below.

In convening the meeting, the Company has taken the electronic provision measure for information included in the Reference Materials for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, etc. (Electronic Provision Measures Matters). Electronic Provision Measures Matters are posted on the Company's website as "Notice of Convocation of The 55th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders" and "Supplementary Materials to the Notice of Convocation of The 55th Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders." Please access the Company's website below and check the Matters.

The Company's website: https://fanuc.co.jp/en/ir/meeting/index.html

In addition to the above website, Electronic Provision Measures Matters are also posted on the Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) website. Please access the TSE website (TSE Listed Company Search) below, enter the Company's name (FANUC) or the securities code (6954) for search, and select "Basic information," then "Documents for public inspection/PR information" to check the Matters.

TSE website (Listed Company Search): https://www2.jpx.co.jp/tseHpFront/JJK020010Action.do?Show=Show

If you are unable to attend the meeting on the day, you may exercise your voting rights via the Internet or by the Voting Rights Exercise Form. Please review the Reference Materials for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders and exercise your voting rights by 5:00 p.m. (Japan time), Wednesday, June 26, 2024.

[Exercise of voting rights by Voting Rights Exercise Form]

Please indicate your votes for or against each of the proposals in the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form and return the form to us by the above-mentioned deadline.

[Exercise of voting rights by electronic methods (the Internet)]

Please access the website (https://www.tosyodai54.net) and enter your votes for or against each of the proposals in accordance with the guidance on the screen by the above-mentioned deadline. If you have any questions, please contact the administrator of FANUC CORPORATION's shareholder register, Tokyo Securities Transfer Agent Co., Ltd. (Phone: 0120-88-0768).




Thursday, June 27, 2024, 10:00 a.m.



FANUC Forum, FANUC Headquarters, 3580, Shibokusa Aza-Komanba,Oshino-mura,

Minamitsuru-gun, Yamanashi Prefecture


Agenda of the Meeting

Report on the business report, the consolidated financial statements, the non-consolidated

Matters to be reported:

financial statements and the results of audit of the consolidated financial statements by the

Accounting Auditors and the Audit and Supervisory Committee for the 55th fiscal year (from

Matters to be resolved:

April 1, 2023 to March 31, 2024).

Item 1: Dividends of Surplus

Item 2: Election of Seven (7) Directors (except for Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)


Other Matters Determined Concerning the General Meeting of Shareholders

  1. If voting rights are exercised by both the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form and the electronic method, the votes exercised by the electronic method shall be effective.
  2. If voting rights are exercised twice or more by electronic methods, the votes last exercised shall be effective.
  3. If there is no indication of a vote for or against a proposal on the Voting Rights Exercise Form, this shall be treated as a vote for the proposal.
    • END -
  • When attending the meeting on the day, please submit the enclosed Voting Rights Exercise Form at the reception desk.
  • Please note that only shareholders eligible to exercise voting rights will be allowed inside the venue, and other persons, such as proxies who are not shareholders and persons accompanying shareholders, will not be permitted to enter (excluding persons accompanying shareholders with physical handicaps).
  • In the event of any revision to the Electronic Provision Measures Matters, such Matters before and after the revision will be posted on the abovementioned Company website and TSE website.
  • This document also serves as the document stating Electronic Provision Measures Matters based on the request for delivery of documents.

Reference Material for the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders

Item 1 Dividends of Surplus

Our basic policy of distributing profits to shareholders is as follows:

(Announced on April 24, 2019)

Share buybacks

Cancellation of treasury shares

Based on the above basic policy, we propose to pay the year-end dividend for this fiscal year as follows, which makes the consolidated payout ratio, including the interim dividend paid in December 2023, at 60%.

The dividend for the full fiscal year will be ¥84.14 per share, in total with the dividend for the first half of the fiscal year that has been paid in December, 2023 (¥40.26 per share), resulting in ¥43.88 per share for the second half.

  1. Type of dividend asset Cash
  2. Allocation of dividend assets to shareholders and total amount of allocation

¥43.88 per share of common stock (dividend payout ratio (Consolidated): 60.0%)

Total amount of payout: ¥41,495,031,651

  1. Effective date of dividend payment June 28, 2024

Item 2 Election of Seven (7) Directors (except for Directors Who Are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members)

The term of office of the seven (7) Directors (except for Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members) will expire at the conclusion of the meeting. Therefore, we propose to elect seven (7) Directors (except for Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members).

The seven (7) candidates for Directors (except for Directors who are Audit and Supervisory Committee Members) are as follows:




Position and responsibilities at the Company

at the Board


of Directors



Yoshiharu Inaba


Director, Chairman


(12 of 12)


Kenji Yamaguchi


Representative Director,


President and CEO

(12 of 12)

Director, Senior Managing Officer and


Ryuji Sasuga




General Manager, Corporate Finance &

(10 of 10)

Facility Planning Division

Manager, Secretary Department

Director of the Company



Michael J. Cicco


President and CEO, FANUC America

(12 of 12)



Naoko Yamazaki


Outside Director



Independent Director

(12 of 12)


Hiroto Uozumi


Outside Director



Independent Director

(12 of 12)


Yoko Takeda


Outside Director



Independent Director

(10 of 10)



Personal history, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

held by candidate


April 1973

Joined Isuzu Motors Limited


September 1983

Joined the Company

June 1989

Appointed Director of the Company

June 1992

Appointed Senior Vice President (Director) of the Company

June 1995

Appointed Executive Vice President (Director) of the Company

May 2001

Appointed Senior Executive Vice President (Representative

Director) of the Company

June 2003

Appointed President (Representative Director) of the Company

June 2016

Appointed Chairman and CEO (Representative Director) of the

Yoshiharu Inaba


(July 23, 1948)

April 2019

Appointed Chairman (Representative Director) of the Company

June 2023

Appointed Chairman (Director) of the Company (to the present)


(Significant concurrent posts of other entities)


Chairman, Japan Machine Tool Builders' Association

(Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings held during this period)

100% (12 of 12)

(Reason for nomination as candidate)

Yoshiharu Inaba has led the management of the Company since he was

appointed President and CEO (Representative Director) in June 2003, and

has served as Chairman (Director) since 2016. In order to benefit from his

experiences and deep insights in management decision-making and

supervision of the Company, his reappointment as Director is proposed.



Personal history, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

held by candidate


April 1993

Joined the Company


June 2008

Appointed Executive Vice President (Director) of the Company

February 2012

Appointed Senior Executive Vice President (Director) of the


October 2013

Appointed Senior Executive Vice President (Representative

Director) of the Company

June 2016

Appointed President and COO (Representative Director) of the


April 2019

Appointed President and CEO (Representative Director) of the

Company (to the present)

Kenji Yamaguchi

(Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings held during this period)

(August 6, 1968)

100% (12 of 12)


(Reason for nomination as candidate)

Kenji Yamaguchi has been involved in research and development,

manufacturing, production engineering and sales, and by having played an

important role in each of these fields, he is rich in experience. He currently

leads the management of the Company as President and CEO

(Representative Director). In order to benefit from his experiences and

deep insights in management decision-making and supervision of the

Company, his reappointment as Director is proposed.



Personal history, position and responsibilities

Number of shares


the Company


(Date of birth)

held by candidate


April 1992

Joined the Company


April 2004

Appointed Director & Manager, Finance & Accounting

Department of Fanuc Europe GmbH

January 2010

Appointed Director & CFO of FANUC Europe Corporation

March 2012

Joined LIXIL Corporation

Seconded to Permasteelisa S.p.A

Group Financial Control Manager

April 2015

Rejoined the Company

Manager, Group Companies Support Department of the


Ryuji Sasuga

July 2015

Manager, Secretary Department of the Company (to the present)

(March 10, 1969)

June 2017

Appointed Managing Officer of the Company


July 2021

General Manager, Corporate Finance Division of the Company

June 2022

Appointed Senior Managing Officer and CFO of the Company

June 2023

Appointed Senior Managing Officer (Director)

and CFO of the

Company (to the present)

July 2023

General Manager, Corporate Finance & Facility Planning

Division of the Company (to the present)

(Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings held during this period)

100% (10 of 10)

(Reason for nomination as candidate)

Ryuji Sasuga has engaged in accounting operations at the Company and

its overseas subsidiaries, and is currently involved in accounting, public

relations, and shareholder relations, etc. as General Manager of the

Corporate Finance & Facility Planning Division, and he has worked to

strengthen our financial position as CFO. In order to benefit from his

experiences and deep insights in management decision-making and

supervision of the Company, his reappointment as Director is proposed.



Personal history, position and responsibilities

Number of shares


the Company


(Date of birth)

held by candidate


August 1999

Joined FANUC America Corporation ("FAC")


November 2015

Appointed Vice President (Director) of FAC

April 2016

Appointed President and COO (Director) of FAC

June 2016

Appointed Managing Officer of the Company

July 2016

Appointed President and CEO (Director) of FAC (to the

June 2017


Appointed Senior Managing Officer of the Company

June 2020

Appointed Director of the Company (to the present)

Michael J. Cicco

(Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings held during this period)

(October 16, 1976)

100% (12 of 12)


(Reason for nomination as candidate)

Michael J. Cicco currently serves as President and CEO of FANUC

America Corporation, a subsidiary responsible for the Company's business in

the Americas, and has contributed to its growth and development. In order

to benefit from his experiences and deep insights in management decision-

making and supervision of the Company, his reappointment as Director is




Personal history, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

held by candidate


April 1996

Joined the National Space Development Agency of Japan


(currently Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA))

September 2001

Authorized as an astronaut to board the International Space

April 2010


Served as a mission specialist on the Space Shuttle Discovery,

and engaged the mission of assembling the International Space

March 2016

Station (STS-131(19A))

Appointed Outside Director of Nabtesco Corporation

September 2017

Appointed Outside Director of OPTORUN Co., Ltd. (to the

June 2018


Appointed Outside Director of TOPCON CORPORATION (to

Naoko Yamazaki

July 2018

the present)

Appointed Representative Director of Space Port Japan

(December 27, 1970)

Association (to the present)

June 2020

Outside Director

Appointed Director of the Company (to the present)

Independent Director

June 2021

Appointed President of Young Astronauts Club - Japan (to the



(Significant concurrent posts of other entities) Representative Director of Space Port Japan Association President of Young Astronauts Club - Japan

Outside Director of OPTORUN Co., Ltd. Outside Director of TOPCON CORPORATION

(Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings held during this period) 100% (12 of 12)

(Reason for nomination as candidate and expected role)

Naoko Yamazaki has extensive knowledge of advanced aerospace engineering and manned spacecraft systems, including robotic arms, as an engineer. She is well versed in science and technology, as well as risk management including crisis management, and has experienced extremely challenging environments as an astronaut. With her wealth of experience and insight, she has appropriately executed her duties as Outside Director in providing the Company with supervision over and advice on the Company's business. We expect that she will continue to contribute to the Company's Board of Directors from an independent position.

The Company has no business transactions with Space Port Japan Association, at which Naoko Yamazaki serves as Representative Director, or with Young Astronauts Club - Japan, at which she serves as President. Therefore, there is no risk of her independence being affected by this position. As mentioned above, Naoko Yamazaki has continued to contribute to the Company's Board of Directors from an independent position. Thus her reappointment as Outside Director is proposed.

In addition, the Company has appointed Outside Director Naoko Yamazaki as an Independent Director as defined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has duly notified the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Her term of office as Outside Director of the Company will have been four (4) years at the conclusion of the coming shareholder meeting.



Personal history, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

held by candidate


April 1975

Joined Hitachi, Ltd.


April 2003

General Manager of Nuclear Power Systems Production

Division, Nuclear Systems Division, Power and Industrial

Systems Group, Hitachi, Ltd.

April 2004

Deputy General Manager of Hitachi Works, Power Systems

Group and Vice Division Director, Nuclear Power Systems

Production, Hitachi, Ltd.

April 2005

Deputy General Manager of Air-Conditioning Systems Division,

Hitachi Plant Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd.

July 2007

Appointed Executive Vice President of Hitachi-GE Nuclear

Energy, Ltd.

Hiroto Uozumi

April 2011

Appointed President and Representative Director of Hitachi-GE

Nuclear Energy, Ltd.

(March 10, 1953)

April 2013

Appointed Vice President and Executive Officer, Hitachi, Ltd.

Outside Director

April 2015

Appointed Chairman of the Board of Hitachi-GE Nuclear

Independent Director

Energy, Ltd.

April 2017

Senior Corporate Officer of Nuclear Energy Business Unit,


Hitachi, Ltd.

April 2020

Senior Corporate Officer of Nuclear Damage Compensation and

Decommissioning Facilitation Corporation

June 2021

Appointed President & CEO of Atomic Energy Association (to

June 2022

the present)

Appointed Director of the Company (to the present)

(Significant concurrent posts of other entities) President & CEO of Atomic Energy Association

(Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings held during this period) 100% (12 of 12)

(Reason for nomination as candidate and expected role)

Hiroto Uozumi has a background in planning and designing nuclear power systems and manufacturing major equipment as the Head of nuclear power business at Hitachi, Ltd. He is familiar with manufacturing and company management due to his experience holding important positions at Hitachi, Ltd. and Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd. In addition, as the Company aims to be carbon-neutral by 2050, it is expected that his knowledge of power and energy systems, as well as decarbonization, will be utilized. With his wealth of experience and insight, he has appropriately executed his duties as Outside Director in providing the Company with supervision over and advice on the Company's business. We expect that he will continue to contribute to the Company's Board of Directors from an independent position.

The Company has no business transactions with the Atomic Energy Association, at which Hiroto Uozumi serves as President & CEO. Therefore, there is no risk of his independence being affected by this position.

As mentioned above, Hiroto Uozumi has continued to contribute to the Company's Board of Directors from an independent position. Thus his reappointment as Outside Director is proposed.

In addition, the Company has appointed Outside Director Hiroto Uozumi as an Independent Director as defined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has duly notified the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

His term of office as Outside Director of the Company will have been two

(2) years at the conclusion of the coming shareholder meeting.



Personal history, position and responsibilities

Number of shares

of the Company


(Date of birth)

held by candidate


April 1994

Joined Bank of Japan


April 2009

Joined Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

April 2012

Chief Researcher, Center for Policy and the Economy, Chief

Economist of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

October 2015

Deputy General Manager, Center for Policy and the Economy,

Chief Economist of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

October 2017

General Manager, Center for Policy and the Economy, Chief

October 2020

Economist of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

Deputy General Manager, Planning and Administration Office,

Think Tank Unit

Yoko Takeda

General Manager, Center for Policy and the Economy, Chief

(April 13, 1971)

Economist of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

December 2021

Appointed Research Fellow (to the present)

Outside Director

October 2022

Deputy General Manager, Think Tank Unit

Independent Director

General Manager, Planning and Administration Office, Think


Tank Unit

General Manager, Center for Policy and the Economy,

Chief Economist of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

June 2023

Appointed Outside Director of Ricoh Company, Ltd. (to the


October 2023

Appointed Director of the Company (to the present)

Appointed Executive Officer of Mitsubishi Research Institute,

Inc. (to the present)

General Manager, Think Tank Unit of Mitsubishi Research

Institute, Inc. (to the present)

(Significant concurrent posts of other entities)

Executive Officer and Research Fellow,

General Manager, Think Tank Unit of Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc.

Outside Director of Ricoh Company, Ltd.

(Attendance at the Board of Directors meetings held during this period)

100% (10 of 10)

(Reason for nomination as candidate and expected role)

Yoko Takeda has extensive knowledge of economic and financial conditions,

having conducted research analysis of finance and the economy, and made

various policy proposals at Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. In addition, she

has various other experiences, including activities such as government

commissioner on the Industrial Structure Council, etc.

With her wealth of experience and insight, she has appropriately executed her

duties as Outside Director in providing the Company with supervision over

and advice on the Company's business. We expect that she will continue to

contribute to the Company's Board of Directors from an independent position.

The Company has no business transactions with Mitsubishi Research

Institute, Inc., at which Yoko Takeda serves as Executive Officer, etc.

Therefore, there is no risk of her independence being affected by this position.

As mentioned above, Yoko Takeda has continued to contribute to the

Company's Board of Directors from an independent position. Thus her

reappointment as Outside Director is proposed.

In addition, the Company has appointed Outside Director Yoko Takeda as an

Independent Director as defined by the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has duly

notified the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

Her term of office as Outside Director of the Company will have been one (1)

year at the conclusion of the coming shareholder meeting.


  1. Naoko Yamazaki, Hiroto Uozumi, and Yoko Takeda are candidates for Outside Directors.
  2. We have entered into an agreement with Naoko Yamazaki, Hiroto Uozumi, and Yoko Takeda limiting their liability for damages as defined under Article 423, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act, in accordance with Article 427, Paragraph 1 of the Companies Act.
  3. We have entered into a directors and officers liability insurance agreement with an insurance company. The agreement covers damages that may arise due to the insured directors and officers assuming liability for their execution of duties, or receiving a claim for the pursuit of such liability. All candidates for Directors shall be included as an insured under the said insurance agreement, which is to be retained with the same terms and conditions at the next renewal.
  4. While Naoko Yamazaki, Hiroto Uozumi, and Yoko Takeda were in office as Outside Directors of the Company, it was discovered that ROBOCUT (wire electric discharge machine), which the Company manufactures and sells, might have been tested under conditions that do not comply with the

harmonized standards of the Europe's EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Directive. They were not aware of the issue until it came to light, but regularly called the attention of participants at meetings of the Board of Directors and other forums to the importance of compliance. After the issue came to light, they have provided recommendations, etc. at meetings of the Board of Directors and other forums regarding investigations to thoroughly uncover all aspects of the issue.


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Fanuc Corporation published this content on 30 May 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 May 2024 02:15:03 UTC.