On Monday, at its first Capital Markets Day, held today in Paris, Eramet set itself what it described as "ambitious" operating targets for 2026.

The mining and metallurgical group announced that it plans to deploy an investment plan of around 1.9 billion euros over the period 2024-2026 to strengthen its cash-generating activities and prepare for future growth, primarily in the energy transition.

Christel Bories, Eramet's Chairman and CEO, hailed the Group's "successful repositioning", deeming it "particularly well positioned" to take advantage of a period when the world will need more and more metals.

Its strategy will focus on two areas: growth in metals for global economic development, and sustainable development of critical metals for the energy transition.

By 2026, Eramet is targeting production of 8.5 million tonnes (Mt) of manganese ore produced and transported in Gabon, with capacity that could be increased to 10 Mt in the long term.

At its Weda Bay site in Indonesia, the Group plans to produce some 60 million wet tonnes (Mth) of nickel ore for commercial sale.

As regards lithium, Eramet plans to generate 24.000 tonnes of battery-grade lithium in Argentina, and a further 30,000 or so in the medium term.

In 2023, Eramet's adjusted Ebitda should reach around 800 million euros, in line with the target revised downwards at the end of October.

Following this presentation, the share price rose by 1.3% around 9:45 a.m. on Monday, after having gained more than 4% at the start of the session.

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