On February 11, 2021, Ajay Banga, Jacqueline K. Barton and James A. Bell notified the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Dow Inc. (“Dow”) that they will retire from the Board effective April 15, 2021 after completing the current term. The company announced that its Board of Directors has nominated Debra L. Dial, Senior Vice President and Controller, AT&T Inc. and Luis A. Moreno, former President, Inter-American Development Bank to stand for election to Dow’s Board of Directors at the Company’s Annual Meeting of Stockholders to be held on April 15, 2021. Ms. Dial brings more than 20 years of leadership and corporate financial experience in a global Fortune 10 telecommunications/media company, including financial reporting, accounting policy, long-term financial planning, strategy and integration planning, and risk management. Mr. Moreno brings more than two decades of expertise and leadership in areas including public policy and social, economic and institutional development with focus on initiatives in topics of global importance including renewable energy and the environment, climate resilience and adaptation, sustainable cities, and digital connectivity and innovation. Furthermore, directors Ajay Banga, Jacqueline K. Barton and James A. Bell will continue to serve out their respective terms until the Annual Meeting, at which time they will not stand for re-election. After 15 years of service on Dow’s Board, Mr. Bell will retire in accordance with the director tenure requirements of the Company’s corporate governance guidelines. After 28 years and eight years of service on Dow’s Board, respectively, Dr. Barton and Mr. Banga will not stand for re-election.