China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited provided earnings guidance for the period from 1 January 2024 to 30 June 2024. Based on the preliminary estimates of the Company made in accordance with the China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the net loss attributable to shareholders of the company for the first half of 2024 is expected to be approximately RMB 2.4 billion to RMB 2.9 billion. In the first half of 2024, the global economy recovered slowly, the domestic economy rebounded, and the demand for air travel continuously increased.

The company seized the opportunity of market recovery to actively build a super carrier in aviation transportation, continuously optimize and complete the layout of aviation network, increase the transportation capacity investment in key domestic markets, accelerate the pace of transportation capacity recovery in major international markets, and innovate service models and upgrade service products via convenient passenger transit, rescheduling and cancelling services, smart travel and other aspects to improve the travel experience of passengers. Meanwhile, the company strictly controlled costs, promoted refined management, and took various measures to improve quality and efficiency. In the first half of the year, the company's total traffic volume and the number of passengers served increased by 54.31% and 30.41% year-on-year, respectively; the passenger load factor increased by 9.44 percentage points year-on-year; production and operation recovered; and the operating results saw significant decrease of loss year-on-year.