Cellens Inc. announced that it is collaborating with Bruker BioAFM, a business unit of Bruker, to develop the world's first clinical diagnostic tests that leverage multi-parametric, single-cell biophysical markers and machine learning. Based on cellular biophysical markers observed using Bruker's advanced atomic force microscopy, Cellens is developing its platform for detecting bladder cancer using voided urine samples from cancer patients. The technology has shown outstanding sensitivity and specificity in pilot clinical studies.

There are clear and unmet challenges in detecting and monitoring the recurrence of bladder cancer that Cellens can address for patients and clinicians. Accurate, non-invasive testing for bladder cancer will enable physicians to guide patients to endoscopic or surgical treatment faster, improve patient compliance, and provide greater access to care. Cellens' proprietary platform detects nanoscale, biophysical changes on a single cell level to identify which cells carry cancerous signatures.

The technology can have applications in multiple cancers using cells extracted from bodily fluid samples, such as voided urine, smear, and saliva. The company expects to offer non-invasive tests for many cancer types where current standards of care are invasive, costly, and labor-intensive.