BHP response to DCCEEW comments on the Jimblebar Significant Amendment Validation Notice July 2024


DCCEEW comment

BHP response


DCEEEW recommends that BHP republish the draft Validation Notice

Comment noted. Historically, BHP has only

for public comment.

received comments on draft Validation Notices

from DCCEEW and the relevant Aboriginal

corporation. On this occasion, BHP has

received comments from DCCEEW and KNAC

and has prepared written responses to these. It

is therefore not expected that further publication

will result in additional public comments.

Nevertheless, will republish the validation notice

for a further public comment period.

Project description and

The project description requires revision. Most of the project elements

Section 2.2 identifies all key components of the

impact quantification

are simply listed with no further detailed description of what the activity

Activity. Additional information has been

involves and no analysis of potential impacts to Program Matters.

included describing mine dewatering and

We acknowledge that some project elements can be briefly described

surplus water management, beneficiation,

tailings management and the overland

such as borrow and laydown areas, while others such as hydrological


changes, overburden management and closure activities require more

thorough information. While the draft validation notice includes a

cursory discussion on in pit tailings deposition, it does not provide

specifics of the activity and does not identify or discuss potential

impacts such as acid and metalliferous drainage risk. The mine

decommissioning and closure discussion is also generic and requires

more detail.

Indirect impacts to the

Potential indirect impacts to the Ghost Bat from the Activity such as

Potential indirect impacts and mitigation

Ghost Bat

habitat modification from hydrological changes, fire and weeds, artificial

measures for these have now been included in

light, feral animals and cane toads, noise and vibration, dust,

the Ghost Bat section.

hydrological changes, and infrastructure such as communication towers

Baseline environmental data is provided in

are not identified and assessed in the draft validation notice. Section

Table 4-7 including Ghost Bat records for the

4.4.5 Impact Assessment of the draft validation notice only identifies the

direct impact of habitat loss from clearing and consequently the mitigation hierarchy has just been applied to this direct impact and not potential indirect impacts. This is a significant omission and is not in accordance with the consideration of indirect impacts in Section 7 Validation Process for Notifiable Actions of the Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan Revision 2.3 as outlined below:

Section 7.1 Review Baseline Environmental Data states that baseline environmental data will be used to validate direct and indirect impacts to Program Matters and to inform the application of the mitigation hierarchy and development of appropriate mitigation measures.

Section 7.2 Review Proposed Activity Information states that information about the proposed activity will be reviewed to consider whether the relevant Program Matters Outcomes will be met as specified in section 7.1 of the Program. The information will include any construction or operational activities that could result in indirect impacts to Program Matters, and water supply source or network, or water management required to access ore below the water table.

Section 7.3 Apply Mitigation Hierarchy states for each Notifiable Action, BHP will apply the mitigation hierarchy to avoid and mitigate impacts to Program Matters as far as practicable and ensure that Program Matter Outcomes are met. This section states that indirect impacts may include, but are not limited to, changes to groundwater regimes or quality, changes to surface water regimes or quality, light and noise pollution, increased human access to bat roosts, vibration, and habitat fragmentation.

Section 7.4 Determine Residual Impacts states that residual impacts to Program Matters, determined as part of the validation process and reported in the Validation Notice, will have regard to the identification of direct and indirect impacts associated with the Notifiable Action and the application of the mitigation hierarchy.

Section 7.6 Develop a Draft Validation Notice states that a discussion of direct and indirect impact using contemporary information, threat abatement plans and data, and demonstration that the Program Matters Outcomes can be met through application of the mitigation hierarchy, including details of offsets proposed, must be included in Validation Notices.

Activity Area. Additional information is included on cave features and openings.

BHP used baseline environmental data to inform the Validation Notice and implemented avoidance measures to ensure avoidance of direct impact to all Ghost Bat caves in the Activity Area. After application of the mitigation hierarchy, BHP considers that the Program Matter outcome for Ghost Bat will be met.


Many of the figures in the draft validation notice are inadequate as they

Figures have been updated to include pits and

lack sufficient detail including:

OSAs, beneficiation plant and in pit tailings

Figure 1-2 - does not show the proposed location of the project


elements of the activity such as proposed pits and OSAs, and

Cave identifiers have been added to the Ghost

infrastructure such as haul roads, pipelines, the beneficiation plant and

Bat figures.

the overland conveyer, to assist the reader to identify potential impacts

Figures have been amended to include

to Program Matters.

enlargements to better display location and

No figure is included showing Ghost Bat cave locations, cave identifiers


(ID) and cave categories/features of all recorded Ghost Bat roosts

within the Activity Area and surrounding the Activity Area as well as the

habitat types.

Figure 4-11 shows existing Ghost Bat monitoring locations (the 'Target

Bat Caves') as stars rather than the cave categorisations and cave IDs.

Figures 4-10 and 4-11 do not include enlargements showing Ghost Bat

records and caves in close proximity to one another, so that the location

and number of records in that area can be accurately discerned by the


Survey information

The discussion of survey results used to determine Notifiable Actions

Surveys and survey results are identified for all

for Program Matters is absent is some instances. Further discussion

Program Matters in the draft Validation Notice,

demonstrating the adequacy of surveys to detect evidence or signs of

in a similar manner to presentation of this data

Program Matters presence - to support and provide credibility to the

in previous Validation Notices. Note that

'surrounds' has been replaced with 'within

conclusion that the Notifiable Action triggers will not be met by this

500m of the Activity Area'. Section 4.2.1

action - is required.

describes the contemporary surveys

undertaken and compliance with survey

requirements. Additional discussion on surveys

has been added to section 4.2.1.

Public comment and

Section 7.8 of the Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan Revision 2.3 states

Comment noted. BHP published the draft

publishing date

'The draft validation notice will be made publicly available on BHP's

Validation Notice on its website and notified

website (or equivalent) for a period of 28 days along with instructions on

DCCEEW and the relevant state government

how to make comment on the document. Interested parties will be

departments and KNAC of the public comment

advised when each draft validation notice is made available.' There

period. Comments were received from

does not appear to be instructions on how to make comments on the

DCCEEW and KNAC. No comments were

draft validation notice either within the document itself or on the BHP

received from other stakeholders.

webpage where it is published.

Also, the date of the draft validation notice is 20 February 2024,

however Table 3-1: Stakeholder Engagement states the draft validation

notice was published on the BHP website for public comment on

19 February 2024, and the department was notified that the publishing

date was 21 February 2024.

We note that ambiguity in publishing dates also occurred for the

Newman Hub Western Ridge draft validation notice. Please ensure the

commencement and closure date for the public consultation is clear,

accurate and consistent.

Glossary and

Consider removing acronyms COS and DMIRS from the Glossary and



Abbreviations table as they are not referenced in the draft validation

notice, and adding the acronym, KNAC, which is used in Section 3

Stakeholder Engagement.


Include all parts of the proposed action in the Activity description (p. 4)

Updated. Note that section 1.4 provides a

to align with the actions listed at Section 2.2 (p. 13). Please also include

summary of the Activity, while the detailed

how many new iron ore pits are proposed, to inform scope.

description is provided in section 2.2, to avoid

duplication. This is in keeping with previous

Validation Notices.


1.4.2 In Figure 1.2 (p.6), the Indicative Footprint should include the

This comment is a repeat of a previous

proposed location of the project elements of the Activity listed in Section

comment. Figure amended.

1.4, such as proposed pits and OSAs and infrastructure such as haul

roads and the overland conveyer, to assist the reader to identify

potential impacts to Program Matters.


1.6 As this section on timeframes (p. 4) states that the Notifiable Action


is forecast to be completed by 2046 and the predicted life span of the

mine operation includes construction, mine operation,

decommissioning, rehabilitation and closure, all project elements related

to these activities should be included in the Activity list at Section 1.4 (p.

4), it should not be limited to mine construction and operation.

Table 1.2

Unintentional error: Table 1-2 Notifiable Action triggers for the Activity

Additional text included in Table 1-2 to clarify

(p. 7) states there are a total of twelve caves present in the Activity

that all caves in the Activity Area are Category

Area, including two Category 2 roosts. However, Section 4.4 Ghost Bat

3 or Category 4 roosts.

indicates that the two Category 2 roosts are outside the Activity Area

boundary and more than 500 m from the Activity Area boundary.

Table 1.2

As commented by the department in other draft validation notices, for

A summary of surveys is provided in Table 4-1.

each Program Matter where a Notifiable Action trigger is not met,

Further detail on survey coverage is provided in

include a summary of the purpose and scope of surveys referenced to

Table 1-2 to demonstrate the scope of surveys

support claims of no species presence.

and to provide rationale as to why triggers are

met or are not met.


Project Disturbance and Description (p. 12) states that Section 2.2

Section 2 text amended to remove reference to

documents unchanged project components from the Revised Jimblebar

unchanged components from the revised

Optimisation Project Validation Notice and Section 2.3 documents new

Jimblebar Optimisation Project Validation

project elements. Section 2.2 is titled Jimblebar Significant Amendment


with a list of activities associated with the current draft validation notice.

There is not a section (or a section numbered 2.3) documenting

unchanged project components from the Revised Jimblebar

Optimisation Project Validation Notice. Please revise this section so that

the content and sections correspond and make sense to the reader. As

all project components from the Revised Jimblebar Optimisation Project

Validation Notice are unchanged, as per Section 1.4 Activity (p. 4)

which states that the current draft validation notice '…does not reassess

or change the previous Activity or impacts associated in the original

Jimblebar Optimisation Project Validation Notice (2020) or the

Jimblebar Optimisation Project Revised Validation Notice (August

2023)', including a list of unchanged project components may be



Project Disturbance and Description (p. 12) states that Figure 1-2

This comment is a repeat of a previous

illustrates the location of the proposed works comprising the Activity. As

comment. Figure amended.

mentioned in the Introduction section, this figure only shows the

Indicative Footprint as shaded areas and does not illustrate the

proposed location of the project elements of the Activity.


Other than a brief description of tailing deposition and standard closure

Section 2.2 identifies the activity elements.

and decommissioning wording, this section primarily lists the project

Further description has been included on

elements (p. 13) and does not describe the activities in enough detail to

beneficiation, tailings deposition and overland

assist the reader to identify potential impacts to Program Matters.


Based on the list of project elements, we recommend that the following

Further detail on the potential impacts of

are described:

hydrological changes, beneficiation and tailings

Hydrological changes - describe hydrological analysis and modelling

deposition is provided in Section 4 for each

that addresses changes in groundwater levels from dewatering, the

Program Matter.

management of surplus mine dewater and changes to surface water

regimes from mine pit excavation, construction of infrastructure, creek

diversions and discharge of surplus water, changes to water quality and

Clearing for all infrastructure required for the

an analysis of potential impacts for Program Matters. This includes

Proposal is included in the total clearing extent

analysis supporting any conclusion that Program Matters and their

which is 2,067 ha.

habitat will not be impacted by these changes (both within and outside

The current approved life of mine, which is

the Activity Area). Please also provide a topographic map showing local

2055 is expected to be extended by 5 years for

hydrology including water features and catchments.

this Proposal. Given the significant time period

Overburden management - discuss whether the tailings will be from the

to closure, detail on specific activities to be

new beneficiation plant and whether an Acid and Metalliferous Drainage

undertaken during decommissioning and

risk assessment was undertaken for in-pit tailings deposition and

closure are not yet available.

overburden storage areas, and an analysis of potential impacts for

Acid and metalliferous drainage risk

Program Matters.

assessment was undertaken and determined

We also suggest that the draft validation notice describes, and provides

the risk of acid drainage to be low. Additional

analysis of potential impacts to Program Matters from:

information has been provided in the impact

Processing infrastructure - the beneficiation plant and overland

assessment section.


Communications infrastructure - the number of new communication

towers and any communication rooms, and whether clearing for

earthwork pads to install the towers is required.

Decommissioning, rehabilitation and closure - include any activities that

might be included during the decommissioning, rehabilitation or closure

stage of the project.


In regard to the description of hydrological activities, the department

BHP will publish the hydrological appendices

made comment on the draft validation notice Newman Hub Western

with the final Validation Notice

Ridge on 20 August 2023 that analysis of hydrological changes should

include discussion and justification even where BHP's analysis shows

no impact will occur and that all relevant hydrological surveys or

assessments supporting this analysis should be provided as

appendices or attachments to the draft and final validation notice.

Further, the department requested at a meeting with BHP on 12

January 2024 that relevant hydrological impact assessment reports are

to be included as appendices to this draft validation notice, to which

BHP agreed. No such reports have been included as appendices.


The department also made comment on the draft validation notice

Additional discussion of potential impacts of

Newman Hub Western Ridge that 'for all future validation notices for

hydrological changes is included in Section 4 in

projects that will involve hydrological changes, ensure that analysis of

relation to Ghost Bat and Northern Quoll, as

potential impacts extends to potential impacts to program matter habitat

that may occur outside the activity area such as creek diversions

resulting in increased water flows and dewatering of pits impacting

these are the only two species recorded in the

aquifers extending beyond the activity area. Surveys for program matter

Activity Area or within 500m of the Activity Area.

habitat and occurrence may need to be extended beyond the activity

area to support analysis of these potential impacts.'


Refer to the interim first nations engagement guidelines on our website

Noted. BHP consulted with Nyiyaparli

for more information on the department's expectations of proponents for

Traditional Owners in relation to the Proposal in

engaging First Nations stakeholders throughout an environmental

May and August 2023, as identified in Table 3-

assessment process.

1. This included on site visits to the Jimblebar

mine and the Activity Area. Additional detail is

provided in Table 3-1.


The public consultation commencement date is stated as 19 February

The misalignment in dates is noted; however

2024. However, the draft Validation Notice is dated 20 February 2024

more than the required 28 day public comment

and the department was notified that it was published on the BHP

period was enabled as public comments closed

website for public comment on 21 February 2024. Table 3-1 also

on 22 March 2024. The publication of

records the public consultation date as 19 February 2024.

documents on BHP's regulatory website is

processed by an independent BHP team and

can take 24 hours or longer to process,

therefore the date included in the validation

notice is as accurate as possible at the time of

transmission of the documents to the

publication department.


Karlka Nyiyaparli Aboriginal Corporation (KNAC) - possible

The draft Validation Notice was provided to

unintentional error: it is stated that BHP provided the draft validation

KNAC on 21 February, inviting comments and

notice to KNAC for review on 22 February 2024, although the draft

providing opportunity for further time to review

validation notice is dated 20 February 2024 and was published on the

and respond, if required. KNAC provided

BHP website for public comment on 21 February 2024.

comments to BHP on 22 March 2024.


The draft validation notice does not include instructions on how to make

Noted. This was an administrative error. It

comments on the document and instructions also do not appear to be

should be noticed that key stakeholders were

on the BHP webpage where it is published (noting that it has been

notified directly of the public comment period

published under the WAIO - Jimblebar - Consultation and Public

via email including DBCA, DWER, PEOF,

Comment section of the Regulatory Information page and note the

KNAC and DMIRS. To date, BHP has only

WAIO - Consultation and Public Comment section). This is not in

received comments from DCCEEW and the

accordance with Section 7.8 of the Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan

relevant Aboriginal corporation on draft

Revision 2.3, as already discussed int the General Comments section.

validation notices. BHP will include instructions

on how to provide comment for future validation



As mentioned in the department's comments on other validation

BHP will provide numbering or lettering of

notices, lettering or number of the published surveys as appendices is

appendices for publication of the final Validation

recommended for ease of reference. The appendices should be


ascribed to the surveys/studies listed in Table 4.1 Terrestrial fauna -

recent studies and surveys in the draft validation notice and the

corresponding survey/study on the BHP website.


Hydrological reports (see comment at 2.2.2)

Noted. BHP will append the hydrological reports

to the final Validation Notice.


Acid and metalliferous drainage risk assessment - the department has

Noted. This is a repeat of a previous comment.

previously requested that these reports are provided as appendices.

The AMD risk assessment is not provided as it

Please provide a copy of the risk assessment if one has been

contains commercially sensitive information and


is not publicly available.


The discussion under Regional habitat and Baseline Modelling Data on

Regional habitat and baseline modelling

the baseline modelling data from the Impact Assessment Report (Eco

information has been included in Validation

Logical 2015) can be removed for each Program Matter as this is not fit

Notices to date as it provides a comparison

for purpose at the scale of the Validation Notice. The discussion should

between the records and habitat modelling

instead focus on contemporary survey results (less than five years old)

undertaken for the SEA, to the local

clearly demonstrating whether Program Matter triggers will be met or

environment. It also enables BHP to validate

not. We also note that the Regulatory information page of the BHP

the Activity against the impacts assessed in the

website only has a copy of the Draft Impact Assessment Report. Please


update this page to include the Final Impact Assessment Report.

BHP includes all contemporary surveys in

Validation Notices and historical surveys, where


BHP does not agree that this information should

be removed from Validation Notices.

The final IAR report dated 4 May 2017 will be

published on the BHP website.

Please include the Indicative Footprint in Figure 4.7 (p. 31) to show the

Figure amended.

Northen Quoll supporting habitat that is predicted to be directly


Please explain in this section that while habitat types that may support

Additional text added to Section 4.3.2.

denning for the Northern Quoll are present within the Activity Area, the

habitat is not classified as critical habitat for the Northern Quoll under

the Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan Revision 2.3 Table 5.10 as there

is no 'home range' due to no evidence of a colony or residing


In regard to Northern Quoll records, the statement, 'Given the lack of

BHP considers that while one scat has been

further evidence, it is unlikely that the species occurs in the Activity

recorded in the Activity Area, regular

Area' (p. 29) is inaccurate, as while there may be no evidence of a

occurrence in the Activity Area, or occurrence

residing Northern Quoll population or colony in the Activity Area an

of a population in the Activity Area is unlikely

occurrence of the species has been detected within the Activity Area.

given that no further evidence of presence has

been detected, despite targeted survey effort.

Additional text has been added to Section 4.3.3

to expand on the explanation.

An occurrence of Northern Quoll has been recorded in the Activity Area

The Activity will utilise existing infrastructure

and there is Northern Quoll supporting habitat in the Activity Area.

and activities have been placed on existing

Direct and indirect impacts have been identified and the impact

cleared areas, to minimise disturbance

assessed. However, the full mitigation hierarchy has not been

required. Additional text has been added to

adequately applied in the draft validation notice (p. 33) and a more

Section 2.1 to this effect.

detailed discussion to demonstrate that the loss of Northern Quoll

habitat has been minimised through avoidance and mitigation measures

is required.

Given the stated duration of this activity, including operation and

There are no permanent water treatment pools

closure, of 46 years - discuss how future changes in risk of cane toad

included in the scope of the Activity. A

incursion will be monitored and managed. What preventative measures

permanent pool known as Innawally Pool is

will BHP adopt to reduce this risk? We note that naturally occurring

present at Jimblebar. This pool varies in size

water features may be ephemeral or semi-permanent, however mine

and depth in response to rainfall events. The

sites often have permanent artificial water features such as water

Activity will not alter the surface water flow to

treatment pools and cane toads can 'hitchhike'.

this pool and is not expected to increase the

risk of Cane Toad incursion into the Activity


In the event that Cane Toad is observed within

the Activity Area, BHP will report the

observation to the relevant state and federal

regulators and implement mitigation measures,

if required, in consultation with regulators.


The consideration of the significance of residual impacts (p. 33) is not in

Comment noted. BHP has amended wording to

accordance with the Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan Revision 2.3 as

refer to residual impacts.

no significance test is to be applied to consideration of residual impact

under the Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan Revision 2.3 and therefore

no judgement of significance is required during validation processes.

The department has provided BHP this same advice on numerous

occasions over the last 12 months.


4.3.9 We do not agree that no monitoring is required (p. 33). A

Additional text regarding hydrological changes

commitment to monitor the quantity of Northern Quoll supporting habitat

is included in Section 5.2.5

directly and indirectly impacted/cleared is required to ensure it does not

BHP commits to clearing no more than

exceed the 1206.5 ha limit committed to in this draft validation notice.

2,067 ha including no more than 7.6 ha of

This is of particular importance given the limited analysis of potential

Gorge/Bully and 2.5 ha of Breakaway/Cliff. This

impact to supporting habitat from hydrological changes.

is more clearly identified in Table 4-3. Note the

addition of a new Section 5.1 providing

overview of fauna habitats in the Activity Area

and Indicative Footprint.

BHP does not consider that monitoring of

Northern Quoll is required given that a single

scat was previously recorded in 2021, with no

other direct or indirect evidence of presence of

the species, either as transient individuals, or

as a population, despite targeted survey effort.

BHP commits to monitoring clearing to ensure

that clearing remains within the approved limits.

Under Local Habitat (p. 36), the draft validation notice states that critical

Text amended.

and supporting habitat are present in the Activity Area. We suggest this

sentence be amended to state that critical and supporting habitat are

present in the Activity Area or within 500 m of the Activity Area

boundary, to align with the Notifiable Action triggers in Table 5.14 of the

Assurance Plan and Offsets Plan Revision 2.3.

There is no map/figure showing cave locations, cave identifiers (ID) and

Noted. This is a repeat of a previous comment.

cave categories/features of all recorded Ghost Bat roosts within the

Figures amended to include cave location and

Activity Area and surrounding the Activity Area as well as the habitat


types (as per Figure 4.7 in the published Jimblebar Optimisation Project


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BHP Group Limited published this content on 07 July 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 July 2024 23:46:06 UTC.