BBVA ranks second in the KWD Webranking list of Spanish companies, which measures how they communicate on the Internet and social networks. The survey, which in Spain has analyzed the on-line portals of 25 companies, has judged very positively the communication of BBVA's sustainability strategy on its various websites.

This ranking has been prepared by KW Digital, a global agency specializing in on-line corporate communication. In this study, the agency surveyed the main stakeholders of these companies: analysts, investors, journalists and young professionals looking for a job. The questionnaire refers to the usage of the corporate websites of the companies and the answers obtained have highlighted the on-line information that BBVA offers on corporate, environmental and social governance.

This is not the first time that BBVA's Corporate Responsibility communication has been recognized; in late 2012, the bank received the Stevie award for its website for shareholders and investors, which includes a specific section on sustainability, and it was the first Spanish company in the ranking prepared by the communication consultancy firm Lundquist, which measures on-line communication on CSR offered by 100 European companies. bancaparatodos, BBVA's CR portal, was also recognized in the Corporate Responsibility Communication category of the Digital Communication Awards.

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Corporate Communications
Tel. +34 91 374 68 24

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About BBVA

BBVA is a customer-centric global financial services group founded in 1857. The Group has a solid position in Spain, it is the largest financial institution in Mexico and it has leading franchises in South America and the Sunbelt Region of the United States. Its diversified business is biased to high-growth markets and it relies on technology as a key sustainable competitive advantage. BBVA ranks among the leading Euro zone banks in terms of ROE and efficiency. Corporate responsibility is at the core of its business model. BBVA fosters financial education and inclusion, and supports scientific research and culture. It operates with the highest integrity, a long-term vision and applies the best practices. The Group is present in the main sustainability indexes.

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