Atos announces that it has entered into discussions with stakeholders on the financial restructuring proposal submitted by the Onepoint consortium, comprising Onepoint, Butler Industries and Econocom, as well as a group comprising certain of the Company's financial creditors.

As part of the continuation of these discussions, several decisions were considered, in accordance with the Restructuring Proposal, with regard to participation in the new financing of a total of 1.5 billion euros in the form of secured debt envisaged by the Restructuring Proposal, as well as 75 million euros in the form of equity allocated to Bondholders only.

Creditors under the €1.5 billion Term Loan A due January 2025 and the €900 million Revolving Credit Facility due November 2025 (the "RCF") would be offered the opportunity to participate in the New Secured Financing solely in the form of bank-type loans and facilities (term loan / prêt à terme), new Revolving Credit Facility (RCF), and/or receivables financing (factoring), as well as through new bank guarantee lines, under terms to be defined, for a total amount of 750 million euros (including 300 million euros in guarantees).

Holders of bonds issued by Atos maturing in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2028 and 2029 would be offered the possibility of participating in these New Secured Financing Facilities solely in the form of one or more Atos bonds for a total amount of 750 million euros, and subject to the completion of the pro rata of their participation in the Equity Financing, the main terms and conditions of which also remain to be defined.

Participation in the New Secured Financing and the Equity Financing will be allocated among the various creditors wishing to participate (i) in proportion to their holdings of Bonds, on the one hand, and/or (ii) in proportion to their holdings of receivables under the RCF and Term Loan A, on the other hand, on June 14, 2024 after market close. Any transfer of Bonds or receivables under the RCF and/or Term Loan A after the Reference Date would not entitle the transferee to participate in such financing in respect of the Bonds and/or receivables so transferred.

' The Company will inform its creditors of the terms and conditions of participation in the New Secured Financing, the Equity Financing and the timetable within which they will be able to express their wish to participate, if applicable' indicates the Group.

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