Atos gains on Friday on the Paris Bourse amid a general rebound in technology stocks and after reports in Challenges magazine, confirmed by Reuters, that the CEO of its BDS (Big Data and Cybersecurity) division has been dismissed.

According to Challenges, Jean-Philippe Poirault will be replaced by Philippe Oliva, previously Deputy CEO of Atos BDS.

Contacted by Reuters, Atos confirmed Jean-Philippe Poirault's departure, without commenting further.

At 10:39 GMT, Atos shares were up 3.34%, while the SBF120 index was up 1%.

"Atos' rebound is the result of two factors: on the one hand, press reports (Thursday) evening indicating that the CEO of Atos BDS had been dismissed this week and will be replaced by the deputy CEO, and on the other, a general rebound in the stock markets, particularly in technology stocks, against a backdrop of slightly easing interest rates", summarized Alexandre Baradez, head of market analysis at IG France.

A second analyst points out that the stock is recovering some of its heavy losses of recent months.

Since the beginning of the year, Atos shares have fallen by 25%. (Written by Corentin Chappron, edited by Blandine Hénault)