Ashley Gold Corp. reported positive assay results from its initial reconnaissance of the gold-bearing Shaft-1 and Lee Lake South Zones on Santa Maria Claims south of the Tabor Lake Mine Project located approximately 43 kilometres southeast of Dryden, Ontario. Shaft-1 Geology: Shaft-1 is more of a blast pit than a traditional shaft, roughly 5 x 5 m wide and 4 m deep.

The pit targets a 0.5-1.0 m wide quartz-ankerite-sericite-galena-chalcopyrite vein, with malachite observed on weathered surfaces. Up to 5% galena is observed in samples with 1-3% pyrite along vein margins. The orientation of the main vein is 310°/83° with extremely sheared upper and lower vein contacts.

Shear material extends from 0.3 m on the south side to roughly 3 m on the north side. Gold values in the Quartz Vein ranged from trace up to 5.90 g/t Au with lower grades occurring in mafic host rocks and an average grade of 1.3 g/t Au over 8 samples assayed. Lee Lake South Geology: The Lee Lake South occurrence consists of a 3 x 3 m blast pit on the side of an east-west ridge.

This occurrence can be found roughly 50 m west of Camp 33 road and 150 m north of Long Lake within claim 590025. The pit appears to target a moderately altered and deformed volcanic unit with intensifying ankerite alteration when nearing quartz veins. Veining observed in the pit wall measured 300°/80° with a gold-bearing quartz-carbonate-tourmaline- chalcopyrite-chlorite assemblage.

Chlorite/tourmaline laminations are present within veins. Chalcopyrite blebs (up to 1%) and fine-grained pyrite stringers are present (up to 3%) near the vein margins. Gold values in the Quartz Vein ranged from trace up to 14.30 g/t Au with trace values occurring in intermediate host rocks and an average grade of 5.13 g/t Au over 7 samples assayed.

Visible gold was observed with pyrite within vein material in sample E6096222.