Arteris, Inc. announced the availability of FlexNoC Composition, a new feature embedded within the FlexNoC interconnect IP fabric. Companies that license FlexNoC can now integrate the individual interconnects from all SoC subsystems into one. This enables SoC design teams to implement more efficient parallel design methodologies, enabling truly global 24/7 design flows.

FlexNoC Composition allows the SoC architecture to be subdivided for implementation by various specialist design teams, each working independently on their own subsystem. Once all subsystems are complete, each can be integrated into one complete full chip-level FlexNoC interconnect fabric without requiring bridges. FlexNoC Composition works for fully abutted and channeled floor plans.

Unlike a hybrid bus or crossbar, FlexNoC Composition re-connects each subsystem seamlessly through a specialized low-latency protocol, Re-assembly is simple, regardless of revisions made to the IP block addressing, transaction protocols, or command sets during the development process. The chip verification process is also easier and faster. These features makes the development of a family of derivative chips to meet individual system OEMs' specific requirements a plug-and-play process.