Making Sense of the December Retail Sales Report

01/14/2015Russell Price

• Bad weather along the West Coast and a rising tide of gift card giving likely weighed on December's core retail results.

• Overall, consumers still have a lot going for them in the current environment and unless we've suddenly become a much thriftier society, people will eventually spend those extra dollars.

• Excluding gasoline sales, retail trends in general are healthy.

It would be a mistake, in our opinion, to look at the December retail sales report as an indication of deteriorating consumer trends. Consumers still have a lot of positives flowing in their favor, from rising incomes, to better balance sheets, to much lower energy costs.

Unless we've suddenly become a much more frugal society, people will eventually spend their extra dollars as their incomes grow, their costs moderate, and their confidence levels rise, all of which have clearly been occurring. 

If we exclude much of the noise in the report, primarily lower gas prices, core retail sales were still a healthy 4.3 percent higher year-over-year and a strong 5.0 percent higher for the quarter. These are fairly healthy levels that we think should grow in the months and quarters ahead. 

The drop in December core retail sales was also likely constrained by the growing use of gift cards for holiday giving.  Businesses do not register a gift card sale until the card is redeemed for actual goods or services and this growing trend seems to be shifting more and more holiday sales into the first quarter. According to a survey by the National Retail Federation, holiday shoppers expected to increase their spending on gift cards by approximately 6 percent this year, to $172, out of total average gift spending of $804. 

Eight of the last ten retail sales reports were ultimately revised higher. Only one was revised lower and that was November (retail sales figures for August 2014 have been unrevised).

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