Amerigo Resources Ltd. provided operations and capital guidance for the year 2013 from Minera Valle Central, the company's operations located near Rancagua, Chile. Production in 2013 is anticipated to be between 45 and 50 million pounds of copper and one million pounds of molybdenum from the processing of both fresh tailings from El Teniente and historic tailings from Colihues. The Colihues material to be extracted in 2013 is projected to be lower grade than the material extracted in 2012 due to the fact that the area to be mined contains recent tailings deposited by El Teniente in 2006.

Excluding the Cauquenes Project, 2013 capital expenditures at MVC are estimated to be approximately $7 million, which is significantly lower than the $22 million invested in 2012 and will positively impact the company's cash resources.