Ambev S. A at the general share holders meeting approved by separate vote of minority shareholders, the minority shareholders elected. for a term of office to expire at the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2025. the following candidates nominated by the shareholder Cain de Previdencia dos Funcioncitios do Banco do Brasil - PREVI, pursuant to article 161.

paragraph 4. item "a" of Law No. 6.404/76. to the Company's Fiscal Council: Joao Vagnes de Moura Silva.

Brazilian. married. engineer.

bearer of Identity Card RG No. 1169742 (SSP/DF), enrolled with the CPF under No. 584.043.411-68, resident and domiciled in the City of Sobradinho.

Federal District. to take office as an alternate member of the Company's Fiscal Council. the share holders approved by majority vote,for a term of office to expire at the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting to be held in 2025.

the following members to the company's fiscal council.: Emanuel Sotelino Schifferle, Brazilian,married, engineer, bearer of Identity card RG No. 01.433.665-5 IFP/RJ, enrolled with the CPF under No. 00.251.367-00 resident and domiciled in the city of Rio de Janeiro, state of Rio de Janeiro, to take office as an alternate member of the fiscal council of the company, Eduardo Rogatto Luque, Brazilian,married, accountant, bearer of Identity card RG No.

17.841.962-X SSP/SP, enrolled with the CPF under No. 142.773.658-84 resident and domiciled in the city of Sao Paolo, state of Sao Paolo, to take office as an alternate member of the fiscal council of the company.