AUGSBURG (dpa-AFX) - As expected, real estate group Patrizia slipped into the red in the second quarter due to customer restraint. The bottom line in the three months to the end of June was a minus of 6.4 million euros, according to the quarterly report of the provider of real estate investments published on Thursday. A year ago, the SDax-listed company had earned 1.7 million euros. Patrizia had already announced on July 28 that earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (Ebitda) fell significantly in the second quarter and were just barely in the black. Therefore, the reported loss is no longer a surprise. When announcing the key data, the company had also lowered its forecast, sending the share price on a downward slide. Patrizia's stock value has since fallen by 14 percent to around 850 million euros./zb/he