FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - The first round of parliamentary elections in France has brought moderate gains to the German stock market. Inflation data for Germany in June, on the other hand, had little impact on sentiment on Monday. Consumer prices were 2.2 percent higher than in the same month last year - after 2.4 percent in May. Services in particular became more expensive last month.

The Dax ultimately closed up 0.30 percent at 18,290.66 points. Although it started the second half of 2024 on a positive note, it ultimately gave up most of its daily gains by the close of trading. The leading German index ended the month of June and the second quarter in the red. The MDax gained 0.27 percent to 25,244.65 points on Monday. Most stock markets across Europe also recovered.

As expected, Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN) won the first round of elections in France on Sunday. However, the right-wing nationalist's lead was not as clear as feared. The result of the second round on July 7 is still open, as President Emmanuel Macron and the left-wing camp are trying to prevent Le Pen's victory with a joint front in the run-off elections.

"The stock market is currently betting that there will not be a radical political change in France next Sunday, with all its consequences for Europe and the euro," said capital market strategist Jürgen Molnar from Robomarkets, explaining the market recovery. In addition, fresh money is flowing into the market at the beginning of the month, ensuring a dynamic start to the second half of the year./ck/he