According to calculations by banks and brokerage houses, the DAX will open higher on Thursday.

On Wednesday, it closed 0.9 percent firmer at 18,407.22 points. The latest statements by US Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell put investors in a good mood. In his view, the Federal Reserve will ultimately win the battle against high inflation. Wall Street also rose as a result. In Japan, the Nikkei index reached new highs.

However, according to Powell, further "good data" is still needed before the monetary authorities can cut interest rates, which have been raised to curb inflation. Investors are therefore now focusing on Thursday's publication of US consumer prices in June. Experts surveyed by Reuters expect the inflation rate to have fallen to 3.1 percent from 3.3 percent in May. This would still be well above Powell's target of two percent.

The Federal Statistical Office also presents the final data on consumer prices in June. According to preliminary figures, inflation in Germany was on the decline again. Goods and services only increased in price by 2.2 percent last month, compared to 2.4 percent in May. Despite the European Football Championships, the fall was therefore greater than experts had expected.

Closing prices in Europe

Share indices and

-futures on Wednesday

Dax 18,407.22

Dax future 18,592.00

EuroStoxx50 4,958.86

EuroStoxx50 future 4,996.00


Closing prices of the status Change in

US indices on Wednesday Percent

Dow Jones 39,721.36 +1.1%

Nasdaq 18,647.45 +1.2%

S&P 500 5,633.91 +1.0%


Asian indices at 07:00 Change in

Thursday clock percent

Nikkei 42,240.30 +1.0%

Shanghai 2,961.99 +0.8%

Hang Seng 17,735.66 +1.5%

(Report by Zuzanna Szymanska, Daniela Pegna, edited by Sabine Ehrhardt. If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets).)