TOKYO, July 10 (Reuters) - Japan's 10-year government bond yield rose on Wednesday amid uncertainties about the Bank of Japan's (BOJ) bond buying plans.

The 10-year JGB yield rose 1.5 basis points (bps) to 1.085%.

The BOJ said last month it would lay out a detailed bond-tapering plan at its July 30-31 policy meeting, which will cover a period of around one to two years.

The central bank on Tuesday released the outcome of a survey it conducted with bond market participants to collect their views on how the BOJ should scale down the buying.

"The views among the market players were so diversified that it is hard to gauge what the consensus is going to be," said Naoya Hasegawa, chief bond strategist at Okasan Securities.

Some respondents urged the BOJ to reduce its monthly bond purchases to around 2 trillion yen ($12.39 billion) to 3 trillion yen from the current 6 trillion yen, while others wanted a faster pace of tapering, the survey showed.

Yields on bonds with shorter maturities fell, supported by a firm outcome of an auction for the five-year bonds in the previous session.

"Investors are building positions for bonds with mid-term maturities, while demand from life insurers for bonds with super-long maturities is weak," said Okasan's Hasegawa.

The five-year yield fell 0.5 bp to 0.600% and the two-year JGB yield fell 1 bp to 0.335%.

Yields on bonds with super-long maturities rose, with the 20-year JGB yield to 1.96%, its highest since May 2011 and was last up 1.5 bps at 1.955%.

The 30-year JGB yield rose 2 bps to 2.225%. ($1 = 161.4400 yen) (Reporting by Junko Fujita; Editing by Rashmi Aich)