Zix Corporation announced the availability of the newly expanded ZixArchive solution, extending the capabilities of its email archiving platform. ZixArchive now provides comprehensive cloud-based archiving for email and 48 new data sources, including alternative forms of digital communication spanning social media, instant message, mobile, web, audio and video. It also adds a layer of advanced eDiscovery, including message review, classification, data tagging, and the ability to cull messages based on content. Designed with simplicity and ease-of-use in mind, ZixArchive improves productivity and decreases costs for IT and Legal Departments while helping them comply with industry regulations. For compliance-oriented organizations, including financial services, healthcare and government, ZixArchive Plus’s comprehensive archiving capabilities enhance the supervisory workflow for financial audits conducted by entities like FINRA and the SEC. These workflows also support the internal written supervisory procedure (WSP) reviews managed by the compliance teams of broker dealers and registered investment advisory firms. Additionally, the new features allow companies operating in litigious industries to bring advanced eDiscovery in-house to support early case assessments.