Pursuant to the terms set forth under article 82 of Securities Market Law 24/1988 and Memorandum 9/2010 of the Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB), in order to make this information available to the public, ZINKIA ENTERTAINMENT S.A. ("Zinkia" or the "Company") states the following,
According to the communication and information released as Relevant Fact on 9thDecember
2013 regarding the agreements approved by the Ordinary General Bondholders Meeting "Issue of Debentures Zinkia 1st Issue", Zinkia informs the Market that Zinkia has proceeded with today's date to submit payments and necessary funds to the Paying Agent in order to pay the holders of the bonds of that issue, the coupon interest corresponding to 2013 period (9.75%), as agreed in the said Assembly, proceeding to payment to bondholders on Monday, December 16, 2013.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any queries. Madrid, 13thDecember 2013
José María Castillejo Oriol
President of the Board of Directors

Zinkia Entertainment, S.A. Inscrita R.M. Madrid, Tomo 15.359, Libro 0, Folio 75, Sección 8, Hoja M-257615, CIF A-82659061

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