Reference is made to the circular of Yincheng Life Service CO., Ltd. dated 27 May 2024 in relation to, amongst other matters, the annual general meeting the notice of AGM dated 27 May 2024 the proxy form) for the AGM; and the announcement of the Company dated 11 June 2024 in relation to, among others, the removal and re-designation of directors of the Company. Unless otherwise defined, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the meanings as those defined in the Circular. Due to the removal of Mr. Li Chunling as executive Director, ordinary resolution no.

2(i) in respect of the re-election of Mr. Li as an executive Director as set out in the AGM Notice and the Proxy Form is no longer applicable and will not be put forward for consideration by the Shareholders at the AGM. Due to the re-designation of Mr. Xie Chenguang from non-executive Director to executive Director, the ordinary resolution no. 2(ii) as set out in the AGM Notice and the Proxy Form will be amended to: "To re-elect Mr. Xie Chenguang as an executive Director".