Yanlord Land Group Limited reported unaudited group sales for the month and year to date ended February 28, 2023. For the month, the company together with its joint ventures and associates' total contracted pre-sales from residential and commercial units, and car parks amounted to approximately RMB 3.667 billion on contracted gross floor area of 156,235 square metres, an increase of 243.0% and 416.9% respectively compared to the corresponding period of 2022. The total contracted pre-sales of other property development projects under the Group's project management business bearing the "Yanlord" brand name was approximately RMB 32 million on contracted GFA of 964 sqm.

For the year to date, the company together with its joint ventures and associates' total contracted pre-sales from residential and commercial units, and car parks was approximately RMB 4.572 billion on contracted GFA of 187,637 sqm, a decrease of 58.0% and 6.5% respectively compared to the corresponding period of 2022. The total contracted pre-sales of other property development projects under the Group's project management business bearing the "Yanlord" brand name was approximately RMB85 million on contracted GFA of 2,476 sqm.