
YAMADA GREEN RESOURCES LIMITED (Company Registration No. 201002962E) (Incorporated in the Republic of Singapore)

Business Update

The Board of Directors (the 'Board') of Yamada Green Resources Limited (the 'Company', and together with its subsidiaries, the 'Group') would like to provide the following business updates to shareholders:

  1. Relocation of Facilities

    The Company's wholly-owned subsidiary, Fuzhou Wangcheng Foods Development Co., Ltd. ('Wangcheng'), has relocated its food processing facilities from Houyu Food Industry Zone to the Economic and Technological Development Zone of Minhou County, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, PRC.

    Subsequent to the relocation, the former premises are utilized for warehousing and storage of raw materials and processed food products. Subject to space availability, Wangcheng may also extend such warehousing and storage facilities to third parties, in order to generate additional revenue.

  2. Sales and Marketing

Wangcheng's wholly owned subsidiary Fuzhou Kangzhimei Foods Co., Ltd. ('Kangzhimei') has also incorporated sales of processed food products as one of its principal activities in its business licence. In furtherance of its sales and marketing strategy and to generate additional revenue, Kangzhimei also intends to launch online sales in the near future to capitalize on such demand.

By order of the Board

Chen Qiuhai

Executive Chairman and Chief Executive Officer 18 November 2015

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