Since the birth of the environmental movement in the 1970s, there's little doubt that attitudes towards detergents and their ingredients has changed significantly.

The shift initially began taking place in the mid-1960s when it was discovered that the phosphates and surfactants found in detergents were damaging fresh and marine waters as well as killing fish, dolphins and aquatic plants.

Since then, regulation has been frequent and progressive. Italy began phasing out phosphates as long ago as the 1980s and Australia followed suit three years ago. It is now just over a decade since the European Union introduced regulation requiring biodegradability in all detergents. In the UK, a ban on laundry cleaning products containing more than 0.4 per cent of their weight in inorganic phosphate is set to be enforced this year.

This ever-tightening regulation has been fanned by milestones such as the emergence of niche 'green' detergent brands, which have spurred bigger players into improving their offerings and developing their own environmental advances. These steps have included manufacturers unveiling detergents which delivered effective cleaning at lower temperatures, giving customers the dual benefits of saving pounds, as well as the planet.

The acceptance of the carbon footprint concept has also influenced detergent manufacturers to produce innovations such as concentrated products, which have simultaneously cut volume, packaging, warehousing and transportation, while delivering significant cumulative savings in carbon dioxide and water.

Another interesting aspect to consider is how manufacturers have moved their focus from an almost unfettered attitude of "buy our product because it washes whiter" to engaging and educating purchasers on the environmental aspects of the product.

Today, laundry businesses are urged to use detergents that are readily biodegradable, phosphate-free or made from plant and vegetable-based ingredients. This is often justified on the grounds that these products are better not just for the environment but also because they are kinder to the skin.  

Here at Xeros, we are making our own contribution in this drive to improve detergent efficiency. Much has been made - in the media and by ourselves - about our revolutionary commercial laundering system, which sees water being largely replaced by reusable and recyclable polymer beads. These deliver hundreds of washes before needing replacement.

However, arguably less attention has been drawn to the fact that our system enables customers to reduce detergent consumption by 50 per cent, compared to that demanded by conventional laundering systems, leading directly to a corresponding drop in effluent produced. The system further enhances its environmental credentials by its ability to deliver effective cleaning at low temperatures.

Looking ahead, it will be interesting to see how further scientific breakthroughs coupled with pressure from consumers and legislators will further change the nature and composition of detergents.

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